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Hey Guys, not seen any activity about it on here, but I believe the next WBC is on Sunday at 1pm here at Malthouse. Whos coming?

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I'll be there.
Will be there.

Mike, do you want me to take the money and beers or do you have a volenteer already?
I'm a bit tentative as I'm stuck with the children again, but I haven't given up hope yet. I have a Russian Imperial Stout to enter which I may be able to get over the hill sans the brewer. We'll see...
Ah sorted it out, the beer at least. Colin can I get someone to drop a bottle of beer off to you at the Malthouse on Friday evening?
Hey anyone is welcome to drop the beers at Malthouse in advance- just make sure they are well marked as to whos beer and what it is.
I'm planning on being there with my Imperial Vanilla Bourbon Stout... though absolutely no hint of the vanilla can be detected.
Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to the WnBC this Sunday :-( I'm majorly dissapointed to miss out on this event but unfortunately it cannot be avoided.

I do have two beers ready to go, Imperial Coconut Porter and Imperial Belgian Blonde. Both are 8.0% ABV and tasting pretty good. I just need to figure out how to get the beers to the event.
You could send the ICP to me instead Mr Cherry? ;o)
I'll be there with my big 9.5% IIPA in hand.

And maybe one or two other fun beers depending on how they're tasting on Friday evening :)
We have a full judging team on Sunday, Neil Miller is on the panel too. The more the merrier!


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