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Times are tough I have no grain, just a crusty old coopers real ale kit dated 2004, which i was given the other week.
 I never thought I would do this let alone use a kit beer again but has anyone used a very old can of malt before and got drinkable results? ive got lots of hops and fresh wyeast smackpack, I intend to boil it in the kettle add alot of flavour hops, should I do it?

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Throw the coco-pops in if you're considering a chocolate stout
Make a 5L batch of barleywine, it'll be pre-oxidised!
Pac-n-save sell tins of maltexo malt for $8.30 or free if you can run fast enough !
Pam Corkery has an 'opening or two' at her new women's brothel?

LMAO some things to consider. Wheres the brothel?
Auckland somewhere?
To be confirmed by Madam Pam Lash.
That could be a real cunning ploy eh?
Charged the woman for service, get in male customers instead of male workers and charge as well.
Hmm.. call it 'double dipping'?
i did a brew with a kit that a mate had been given from some german and it had been sitting for over 10years lol, it was a pale lager kit but when i opened the kit the malt looked like a stout kit haha, brew didnt really taste any worse than any of the other kit brews ive done, which to be fair isnt saying much...
My first brew was an 8 year old Coopers kit (Dad thought he'd introduce me to the hobby). Thanks to Dad's relaxed approach to hygiene and high fermentation temps it was a total drain pour.

I can, however, confirm that amongst all the dodgy flavours there was no "ballpoint pen inkiness" whatsoever.
Alright kettles on, its all go!

Ok, fess up Dan, what did you end up doing - have you considered it as an entry in the next case swap ?
Well I ended up scraping up enough for another kit so boiled poopers lager, an ancient real ale can, and had to put 1kg of dex in to to get the gravity up, lots of homegrown, and dennys fav 50, couldnt be assed mashing anything.
Case swap lol! prison brew comp 2! maybe.
So how did the prison brew turn out?
It was ok, it didnt make it into bottles though, wasnt quite worthy enough to be assed bottling it, was a half decent drink straight from the fermentor though in my opinion, got maris now and a job so thats all behind me lol.


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