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I posted this question on the Brewing Network forum and got some interesting ideas so I thought I'd pop it up here too.

It's my 40th birthday next August and I'm planning to brew a decent beer or two to enjoy at the celebrations. I expect I'll knock up a few 1.040 session bitters but I'm wondering about something big and bold. I brewed a barley wine this year and that'll still be going strong so I think I should try something different.

Any ideas?

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How about Old Man Ale?


(FYI...I am older than 40. :) )
How about an imperial version of your award winning stout? Make it 1.080 (2 x 40 because life will be twice as much fun post-40).

ps. you're a baby-faced brewer aren't you? I'd have guessed 35.
I'm with this dude.

Imperial version of one of your favourite beers, choice as idea.
I reckon you should brew something like an old ale on your birthday, a really big one that you can maybe induce with brett with oak or something for an extended period???

To drink on your birthday - I guess it depends how long youve got? Could allways do a double IPA ;o)
Don't bother mate. Just get some real ale in from Townshend Brewery instead.
BTW, can someone tell the Malthouse, me Stout is just called Number 9. Dinner Ale is a different brew all together, tho' a stout for dinner is a reasonable menu choice. (There is a steak and chips in every pint.....)
Whatever it is called, it was tasting very good last night.

Next August? Brew a 18% World Wide Stout!!! Ferment it out than Distill half of it off and blend and bottle it!!!! 8 - 10 Months of age on it Sublime!!!


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