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SOBA National Homebrew Competition - CLOSING THIS FRIDAY!


Get them in quick...

Here's the fabulous prize list:

Champion brewer - The SOBA Champion brewer is sponsored by Brewcraft. The Champion brewer will win a Brewcraft keg system and a Brewcraft still system.

Best overall beer - The hopping good folk at Hallertau have once again chosen to sponsor the Best overall beer award. The winner of the Best overall beer will have their beer commercially brewed by the Hallertau team.

Hop balanced beer - New Zealand Hops does it again and have chosen to sponsor the Hop balanced beer award. The winner of the Hop balanced beer award will receive a voucher for $150 worth of hops to include in their next brew.

Malt balanced beer - The good folk at Liberty Brewing have chipped in by offering a voucher worth $150 off your next malt purchase.

Need more information? Check out the soba.org.nz website.

Important dates:
Entries start - Friday 3rd July 2009
Entries close - Friday 24th July 2009 at 18:00
Entries received before or after the entry dates will not be entered in the contest.
Judging dates - Saturday 1st August - Sunday 2nd August with a reserve judging day of Saturday 8th August if there are large number of entries
Announcement of results - tentatively scheduled for Sunday 30th August

Get involved:
A competition like this doesn't happen without the help and participation of many dedicated individuals. Volunteering to help at the beer competition is rewarding and great fun. What could be better than chatting about beer to other like minded souls! You don't have to be a homebrewer - just a beer lover.
We need Wellington based volunteer organisers, stewards and judges. If you are available to help on the dates above please let me know at brendon@libertybrewing.co.nz

The beer styles will follow the BJCP 2008 style guidelines plus additional style descriptions to cover New Zealand styles:

The New Zealand Style Guidelines to be used are:

More information on last years competition can be found at the following links:

If you have any questions please email me at brendon@libertybrewing.co.nz . Alternatively, you can post here are I will try and get back to you as soon as possible.


For results please go to http://www.soba.org.nz/competition-results

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Generally what is the entry cost Brendon? Cheers
Here's last years details:
"The entry fee to SOBA members is $5.00 for each entry. The entry fee to
non-SOBA members is $10.00 for each entry."
At the moment there is no need to adjust this but I will need to confirm with Rob who ran the competition last year to see if expenses were covered, etc. This will become clearer in the next week or so. It is not our intention to change the entry fee dramatically from last year.

Hope this clarifies.
Cheers mate, better get brewing :o)
Also I have this cunning idea that people volunteering to be a steward can enter their beer for free (as a perk).
We have had a rule the last 2 years that judges and stewards can enter but not win any awards or prizes. I was hoping to relax this rule for the stewards and give them free entry as a thank you (t/c's: must volunteer at least 6 hours to the comp).
All this is contingent upon seeing how well we did with the finances though - so still need to have that conversation with Rob!
Yup, as above.

Was a little short notice last year which was a bit of a bummer.
Thanks for the early notice Brendon.

I'm glad to hear that the NZ styles are under review. We have some great hops here in NZ which, if prominent, are pretty much out of style for BJCP. Any chance of more than one NZ Ale?
It's definitely under consideration.
The idea of the style guidelines are to 'reflect' what is being brewed rather than 'dictate'.
Last years NZ Pale Ale had the comment "...medium to high hop bitterness, flavour, and aroma" which I thought was pretty broad and encompassing. From memory we didn't have many (if any) that missed out due to being out of style due to hopping.
Most commercial examples are of a similar gravity to APA or Best Bitter which is also what last years style guidelines reflected.
Are you suggesting more of an 'NZ Imperial/Strong Pale Ale'?
I would love to hear other suggestions about changes to the styles -- maybe another thread ?
I'm not a homebrewer, but will check with my wife if I can arrange a vist to assist with being a steward for the weekend.
Fantastic stuff ledgend!
No need to be a homebrewer... all beer lovers are welcome to volunteer.
Email me at brendon@libertybrewing.co.nz and i'll add you to the distribution list.
Some of the CHCH boys had discussed coming up for the weekend to check out the competition also, could be a fun weekend!
You would come up for the Homebrew comp?
Man, that is commitment. You could always consider waiting and then coming up for BrewNZ/Beervana weekend at the end of August (Fri 28th and Sat 29th I am told).
Two weekends away now that would be even better! :)


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