Hey guys, currently mashing in a small IPA and got a bit heavy handed on the citric acid Mash PH is at 5.0 and im not sure how I can bring it back up?? Ive never mashed this low before so not sure what can happen???
Please help, what do I do? Will my enzymes still be able to convert sugars? Should I mash longer than 60 mins??????
Hmm, cheers for the info Mr Cherry, im actually only brewing a small 3-4% beer but hopping it like a normal IPA, so was going for a bit more body to hold iup the hops a bit, I mashed at 70*c and just left the PH at 5.0, so well see what happens I guess... The clear parts all good ;o) lol
5.0 at mash temp is no biggie, I doubt you'll notice the difference. you might be able to taste the citric though? I don't know, have never used it, just a thought.
Ive used citric acid quite a bit but havnt ever tasted it in my beers, ive even used it in beers like english bitters where im not using fruity hops and havnt tasted citrus flavours...
Just so ya know the ATC on those (well my one from dickies) is only from 0 - 50degC, so it may not have been reading properly, probably read lower than what it is if anything.