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Will Jesse kock off the double century after lunch and, if so, what will he celebrate with tonight?

I'll say yes and a ham sandwich (if only Hopsmacker was still being brewed down the road frm Maclean Park and Jesse had the intestinal fortitude to just have a rigger (instead of an entire keg).

I'm not a big sports fan but I do love cricket more than any other game...

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He'd be damned thirsty if he walked there Stu - and would need the whole keg !
Oh, he's out! 201.
He must have been thirsty as he dragged one onto the stumps the ball after he brought up the 200!
lol, I thought this thread was gonna be about some new Rye beer :oP bahaha
I reckon Emersons should brew a celebatory 500L batch and call it "Jesse's Ryder"
"Flail Ryder"?

"Whale Ryder"? Ha ha, that's a good one if I do say so myself.... laughing at my own jokes.. I knew I should have had a pint of 7% beer for lunch!
He'll be off for a pie with Tui-mato sauce I reckon
Lame gag, but wouldn't a Duppel be most appropriate?!


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