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International Diploma in Brewing Technology Program

Will your brewing career grow in 2009?

It’s no secret these are challenging times in professional brewing, and those with the best education stand the greatest chance to benefit from the transitions in our industry. If you need advanced-level brewing training to move your career forward, you need the World Brewing Academy International Diploma Program.

The WBA International Diploma in Brewing Technology program (Feb. 2 – Apr. 24, 2009) gives students the skills they need to understand the issues most critical to effective commercial brewery operations. Comprised of 7 weeks of in-depth theory studies at the Siebel Institute in Chicago, 3 weeks of practical brewing and lab work at Doemens Academy in Munich, and two weeks experiencing a diversity of brewing environments on the amazing European Brewing Study Tour, the WBA Diploma Program is like no other course offered in brewing education.

For those who need training in specific areas of brewing, you can choose to take the individual modules that form the Diploma Program, allowing you to customize your educational experience to meet your individual needs. The Diploma Program is also an excellent choice for those preparing to write the exams of the UK-based Institute of Brewing & Distilling.

Our upcoming session is filling up fast. Whether you are looking to take the entire 12-week Diploma Program, the 6-week brewing theory segment (also called our Associate Program) or any of the individual modules, you need to register soon in order to secure your seat in the sessions. If you need more information to know whether the Diploma Program is right for you, contact Keith Lemcke at klemcke@siebelinstitute.com with your questions. You can download our 2009 Education Catalog which includes dates, tuition amounts & registration information for all our courses in Acrobat PDF format from our web site at http://www.siebelinstitute.com/catalogs/pdfs/2009_wba_catalog.pdf .

Siebel Institute of Technology &
World Brewing Academy

North American Head Office
1777 North Clybourn Ave.
Chicago, IL. 60614-5520 U.S.A.
Phone 312-255-0705 Fax 312-255-1312
E-Mail: info@siebelinstitute.com Web: www.siebelinstitute.com

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Man, if only they did corrospondence :o(
Reviled they do have corrospondence 3k
but theres no substitute for hands on
said the nun to the bishop
Hey that sounds pretty cool. Sorry to crash your disscussion but do you know of any courses,programs or even correspondence that start at the opposite end of the spectrum ie-: novice??
Cheers Chris
I dont know if they do correspondence, but the university of Ballarat (outside Mlebourne) has some 5 day short courses that I have heard good things about.
Has anyone here actually attended courses at Siebel or other academies? I am thinking of doing one of either Siebel's or Institute of Distilling and Brewing's online diplomas (Siebel = Intermediate Brewing Course, IDB = Diploma in Brewing Modules).
Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about either of these courses, any idea which is better, which has the highest recognition in the industry (which is better for the CV...)?
Soren I've done the Graduate Diploma of Microbrewery Mangenent here in Perth at ECU, Edith Cowan University.
I hope to find an entry level opportinity this year.
Though I have not taken any of the Siebel distant learning courses, I have done the Microbiology Course at Siebel in Chicago and have friends who have taken the Concise Course at Siebel. Both programs are first class so I would expect the correspondence course to be as well.

I also took the Diploma in Brewing Examinations on my own some time ago. Though this was again the old fashion way of just ordering the books and previous exams and studying away. Examination is quite thorough.

I would think that since IBD has an Asia Pacific chapter whose current chairman is based in NZ that one of the IBD courses/exams would be better recognized and better for networking purposes in NZ.

Good luck!
Greetings from Siebel Institute in Chicago!

Great to see chatter about brewing education, and if any of those on Real Beer have any questions about our courses, please feel free to contact me at klemcke@siebelinstitute.com. I know there is a lot going on in the NZ & Australian brewing communities, so please let us know if there is any way we can help!

Keith Lemcke
Siebel Institute of Technology

Are there any courses in NZ for brewing? would like to do the theory by correspondence as I have work commitments and maybe travel for practical courses if for a weekend? thanks.

The youtube videos by Chris Knight below are real good, more accessible & reviewable than a course!  There are 8 vids in total (1 of 8, etc…) linked below

I watched the vids a few times (fast forwarded bits) in order to get the gist of things than cracked into my first AG brew using to big pots and a chillybin that I stuck a tap on..... drank the lot, chuffed!!! (and hooked!)
Its not hard, attention to detail, sanitisation and a positive attitude - get into it.


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