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I have had a look around and I can’t seem to find Belgian malts in homebrew shops around Auckland. I’m especially after aromatic ones (Dingemann’s Special B and similar). Does anybody know where/if they are able to obtain in Auckland? I’m also in Wellington from time to time so that would be an option as well. Any mail orders possible from somewhere?

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This grain name comparison chart may help Karle. It's not exact but it is pretty good.
thats a good chart there Stu. I'm suprised to see wyermanns melanoiden compared to Amber malt though? In my book amber is something quite different to aromatic, more dry, toasty and ashy. But my experience is limited to Bairds amber, does anybody have an opinion where that fits in?
Nobody in NZ has it mate... you'll have to search out subs like the rest of us.

Special B = Weyerman Cara Aroma
Aromatic Malt = Weyerman Melanoidin (however Dunedin Malthouse advertises Weyerman Aromatic)
Belgian Buscuit = Weyerman Cara Amber

Thats about it really.

Edit.... damn you Stu - you always beat me to it!!!!!! ;o)
Thanks for the info, I'll use Weyermann then. Cheers.
CaraAroma is sexy.
Doh! I thought CaraAroma and Aromatic Malt were the same. I was looking on Dunedin Malthouse yesterday planning for my blonde but that chart shows that they're completely different...

I assume CaraAmber and Amber Malt are also different?

I might have to rethink my recipe...
Caraamber and Amber are fairly similar but not the same. Amber is more rough and toasty, I find caraamber more mellow and bisquity. But my knowledge is limited to weyermanns caraamber and bairds amber.
btw, sounds like a bit of a dirty blonde you got planned with caraaroma and amber...?:)
Dirty blonde? More red head... was thinking more colour than flavour.
I just dug this up - and can confirm that my comments above are not quite right...

Now, Melanoidin and Aromatic are similar - but definately not the same - I "side by side"d them. I still can't comment about Cara Aroma and Special B - but I'm still working on it.

But Cara Amber and Buscuit - they are NOTHING alike at all. CaraAmber is tasting like toffee, caramel and sweet malt. Buscuit is dry, toasty and bready... more like Brown malt than anything else.
...But Cara Amber and Buscuit - they are NOTHING alike at all. CaraAmber is tasting like toffee, caramel and sweet malt...

I've found this as well. I think it's what the name suggests - a malt that's kilned then caramalised (or maybe the other way around), or maybe just a mix of two different malts. It's def not a straight caramel or a straight biscuit.
Mmmm, I love caraAmber!!
I don't know if many of you fellas have noticed - but I have had to change the way I advertise Weyermann® prducts on Liberty®. They emailed me and asked me to show the registered® trademark sign on all of their products.

Anyhow... long story short they sent me a few Posters® about the kilning® process and what malt is what etc®


Have a look at the attachment® and see for you reference® and interest®.

It is now my official advise when substituting malts within the colour ranges (i.e. the famous "Crystal 40") to use the attached chart and use the Weyermann® equivalent® malt®... unless of course you want to use the English equivalent.


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