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As there are a few of us coming from around the country to attend Beervana is anyone interested in a catch up session, either at Beervana during a certain session, or another fine establishment?

If so, when and where?

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I'll be driving down from Wanganui after work on Friday and will be heading to the Malthouse around 6:30 - 7:00pm. There were a few others talking about doing a bit of a pub crawl but I've lost the thread. I was looking for the thread when I came across your old post, so decided to start it up again.

So who else wants to meet for a bit of a tasting?
Martin has a thread going for it.... can't find it at the moment..... I'll PM you my mobile number!
The thread is under Beer Events. I'm keen to catch up. Am in Wellington from Thursday afternoon.
I'll be there with friends, and most likely at the Malty for much of the time although Hashigo Zake and Bar Ed will require visits. I'll be the loud guy for those who've not met me. ;)
I'll be at the renaissance stand at beervana and drinking pints of the finest beer the finest establishments in town can supply for the rest of it. I'll be the quiet guy for those who've not met me:)
Ooh I'll be visiting Renaissance! Just discovered these beauties. MPA and APA are stunning.
look out for a fat scotsman..I'll be the one who moves between states of quiet and happy depending on whose round it is.
Not sure if Hashigo Zake will be open. It's getting close, but it's not quite there yet.

I will generally be found in the Malthouse if I'm not in Beervana. I'm the tall bespectacled Yorkshireman for those who haven't met me yet.
I'll be the short kiwi bloke with a shaved head and goatie.... probably dwarfed even more so by the surprisingly quiet scotsman when it's his round....
Tonight Martin will be the tall bespectcled Yorkshireman in a tuxedo.

Long scruffy hair and a ginger beard (or almost clean shaven) for me. Possibly with glasses, possibly not. Oh, yeh, you're most like to find me at the BeerNZ stand... Yeastie Boys, Invercargill, Wigram, Three Boys and others I'm sure.
I'm the tall Yorkshireman with a shaved head, and a puzzled look on my face when its my round....
Said bespectacled Yorkshireman hadn't yet bought a shirt when I spoke to him earlier. Don't tell me he's rented a tux? He is from Yorkshire after all. Mind those pennies there Martin! ;)


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