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I've been passing by AHB on a regular basis for a few years and Coopers Pale Ale keeps coming up regularly as one of THE beers to clone.
It's as if there's a national pride in it, like it's an icon.

Do we have such a beer in New Zealand ?

I know we have icons in the marketeers beer world, the yea right, red like a fire engine, export yourself beer, but you know I don't mean that.

What's the beer that we all accept as a good one, not swill, not boutique, not a one off or seasonal.
What's the accepted good beer out there that always draws us in ? Is there is one beer that has almost universal acceptance ..

I'd suggest that there's been a few possibilities over the years .. Mac's (which one though), Hopsmacker, Bookbinder .. Any more ideas chaps ?

Now the next part.

If you can decide what this beer is - why not brew it for the next case swap - or maybe a seperate class in the SOBA homebrew comp - an ANZAC day brew day ?

I think the interpreation and the results could be quite fascinating

cheers, jt

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Emerson's Pilsner for me. That's the finest showcase of NZ hops - 142 beer geeks from all around the world mostly agree. It's done for the NZ ber scene what Sauvignon Blancs were doing for wine about 20 years ago (don't quote me on that, I'm not wine fact finder, but you get the drift).
Yeah! Go Riwaka!
Suppose it would depend on how you define 'iconic'. I can see strong arguments for Steinlager, Speights GMA etc. For me though, I reckon Wigram's Spruce or Mussel Inn's Captain Cooker. Where in the world are brewers using ingredients like this? (except that Belgium brewery that copied it). Can't get more iconic that that!
Sounds like it's either a NZ & New World Pilsner or Pale Ale and hops are the talking point (whether it's cascade in Epic or Riwaka in Emersons)

I'll pencil in a Pale Ale for ANZAC Day then
Why don't you brew a Coopers Pale Ale clone? If I recall correctly you were talking about it this time last year too.

Sounds like you've got itch that you need to stratch jt :-)

It's funny, I was hovering my mouse of the Pride Of Ringwood hops and contemplating this during my last Craftbrewer order.
Nah, I got over the Coopers clone idea and was wondering if there was a beer that we held in high regard.

I mean anyone can go throw walletfulls of american hops in a pale ale and whoop with delight when their teeth fall out and their tongue curls up, but is there a New Zealand beer that we really do aspire to brew ?
I'm not interested in brewing NZ pale ales or pilsners... I can go out and buy a good one from any of half a dozen pubs, 20 supermarkets, 5 bottle stores... my brewing opportunities are too few and far between to brew something I can buy any day of the week.
So in an attempt to find what is THE NZ beer to clone, surely we need to establish what NZ beers homebrewers try to clone.

So, what NZ beers have you tried to clone (or get into the ballpark of) over the years?

I don't brew clones much but here's my list:
- Lion Brown (long, long ago)
- Speights Old Dark
- Macs Hop Rocker
- Emersons Pilsener
- Bookbinder
Good question!

- Monks Habbit (numerous times) last one was very close.
- Epic. Got close but NZ Cascade was peppery.
- Lion Red (for my Dad) Nailed it too.
- Sassy Red (for AGWB comp) got close.... wrong yeast: was a WLP Platinum... Essex Ale.
I've never tried to clone a beer. I just buy 'em and spend my time brewing things I can't buy. That said, I'm tempted after listening to the latest "Can You Brew It?" (Jamil's new show) about cloning Green Flash's West Coast IPA. Now. Where the hell does one get Simcoe and Columbus hops from? Joking? You're a Simcoe man. Where's your source?
I got those really hard to get ones from craft brewer. Colombus is essential for that beer. As is simcoe. I've got a software report for that if you want it Greig - I'll be able to email it to you if its easier.
Ross is the man aye, im sure he has more NZ hops that NZ hops do :oP bahaha


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