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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Probably one he stole from Riwaka valley and doesn't want to admit it incase of incriminating evidence!
Reckon you'll get 80%+ attenuation with 1272? Seems like a lot for that yeast.

Are you bottling and kegging? When's the Brown coming? we're thirsty over here in Wellington!
"we're thirsty over here in Wellington!"

And in Auckland!! ;o)
Patience guys, it'll be ready soon enough:) When will your brown ale be ready Stu, we should have a taste off? I plan on bottling the bulk, so if anybody out there want a keg, I need to know before I order labels....

I *hope* to get it down to 1.012 but I realize it maybe a stretch... i have gotten 80% with 1272 in homebrews before but these things are not always easy to replicate on a large scale. at the moment its hammering along at 19C and I'm gonna rev it up to 22C in a couple of days to finish it off. it got a bit stronger than planned, i was sort of aiming at mid-late 1.060's... oh well, let's see what happens:)

oh, mystery hop X is not smoothcone:) its a NZ hop, it'll be interesting if anybody can pick it out behind the piles of motueka and sauvin, it wont be very dominant at all...
When will your brown ale be ready Stu?
Brown Ale?

Good luck - I'm sure it'll be good even if it's 1.014.
didnt you say you made PKB as it was originally intended, as a US brown ale? or did I misunderstand that?:)
no PKB (long before it was known as PKB) was intended as an American Brown (6%, 50ibu, loads of US Cascade flavour/aroma) but it ended up too dark and roasty and I actually stumbled upon something that I liked more...

One day I'll go back looking for that American Brown Ale... but in the meantime here's the guff on PKB (remixed). Will be on tap at Regionals, Malthouse, Bar Edward, Ruakura sometime from next week. Limited supply at Beerstore soon after. Maybe on handpump at a few other places.
Loving the Pacifica at the moment!
US05?? would of been a pain in the arse tearing all those 11g packs open, hahaha (I know you get bigger ones)

Everyone take heed of the US05, it is a Brilliant yeast!! You can stick you fresh packs of 1056 up your arse Mr Wyeast.
US05, it is a Brilliant yeast!!

I agree.
"Maybe on handpump at a few other places."

Like Martins place in browns bay????? Pretty please ;o)
US-05? I'm pleased to hear that! i've been contemplating using this for commercial brews but wasn't 100% sure it would be good enough. but if its good enough for the yeasties its good enough for me:) do you take it through a cycle first or just rehydrate it and pitch it? using dry yeast would definitely make life a lot easier than growing up smack packs to commercial pitching rates!


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