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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Kegged 660 on Friday night, put it on tap at half time in the rugby last night.
cascade ale
92.5% ADM
5% Medium Crystal
2.5% wheat
10 IBU Willamette 60 mins
15 IBU cascade from 30 mins
15gm 0 minute
15 gm dry hop
1.040 tyo 1.009 and 25 IBU US05
Standard cascade ale recipe for me but splitting the last hops between 0 minute and dry hop, looking for the best of both worlds. Did the last one as all 0 minute, previous ones were dry hop. Neither addition here seems to dominate, nor scream at me, I'm a bit unconvinced here, might have to up the quantities.
Otherwise, it's quaffing well and time for another

cheers, jt
Pliny the Elder clone - Finished high at 1018 allthough im actually quite glad it did because its FUCKING AWESOME!!! It just screams hops, has the best aroma I almost considered snorting the pint ;o)

Going to have a taste of my US Brown tonight, allthough im a bit worried its going to be too sweet seeing as it too finished really high - 1028 :o( It smells good tho!
Next you'll be dribbling lines of it onto a mirror (or a hookers back)? You make me sick, you hop-head, you...
Had a few at The Malthouse late on Friday night (was gagging for them after a friends birthday at a DB bar where I was forced to drink Canadian Club and ginger ale all night). They've really got a great bunch of staff in there right now, the place is fair humming.

Emerson's Very Brown ale last night. I really liked it but there was something that I couldn't quite put my finger on that stopped it being superb... might need to take another look. I was pretty knackered after a long weekend.

Got a rigger of Epic Pale Ale in the fridge for tonight.

'Pot Kettle Black' and 'Bring your Daughter to the Porter' tomorrow night. Hope to see a few realbeer lads at The Malthouse from 7pm.

A Three boys Oyster Stout for Wednesday.
Yeah, Emerson's VBR is a strange one. I can't make up my mind about it. Might need a few more pints. Oh dear, how sad. :) Barry Whitely said it reminded him a lot of Theakston's Old Peculier, and after that, I couldn't shake thinking just that.
It had me thinking that they really need to change their yeast to something a little less clean...

I just checked out the notes at Tonic (fine SOBA supporters that they are)... I'm thinking it might have been the wheat that was odd. I don't know but I do wish I had another rigger waiting for me at home. To be sure...

Hrm, wheat. Maybe. It's almost rye-like in that it's just slightly "edgy", almost with that bret tang you get in some old ales. It's not Bret, but it's similar.
Friday night was Macs Gold in the Club Lounge at the Warriors game (I was hosting corporate entertainment). Best of a bad bunch.

Saturday I got my beer-engine up and running, and the difference it made to my Mild was amazing! Superb creamy texture. Very hard to resist the temptation to empty the keg in a single session. Also cracked into my APA - and that is amazing too. Awesome hoppiness, and the carbonation has filled out the body nicely. Also finding it hard to resist that one!

Sunday I was quite restrained, just had a bottle of aged Epic Porter (thanks Luke!). Oh, and a takeaway bottle of Deception which I'd forgotten about in the fridge. Tasted great but the seal on the bottle wasn't great so the carbonation wasn't good.

This week I will mainly be cooking in preparation for my wife's birthday party on Saturday. The guests are not exactly beer connoisseurs so I hope they will help me dispose of a keg of Bohemian Pilsner which is a bit heavy on the diacetyl. A couple of septics coming along so I may treat them to a small sample of the APA.
Just recovering from the mayhem of my daughter's 4th birthday partay. At which I'm proud to say I managed to get at least some of the Mum's and Dad's to have some homebrew. My Cold Blooded Old Times American Stout was tasting a treat, and its only a couple of weeks old.
Later that night friends came over for dinner and for the occassion I loped the head off one of our young cockeral's. I don't particularly enjoy the prep work of this task, particulalr y plucking, but he didn't have a name and was a nasty brute of a rooster so I was satisifed to lead him to the big roost in the sky. I cooked him up as coq au vin, it was delicious and was really well matched with my Dubbel which I'm beginning to think is a little too strong to drink on empty stomach.
What a great night! Using the mill at Barrys place and drinking Eagle Heights Colonial Stout, weighing in at 11% but so damn drinkable its not funny! Brewed by a chch brew master as well :o)

Barrys Pale ale chock full of centennial and backed up with Pacifica, damn tasty! Well brewed mate!

Also tried Barrys NZ Draught, really tasty, quaffable, nice malt aroma and a really damn good balance, could sink a few of these in no time!

Just got home and washing it all down with a Pliny clone, goddamn its so good! The savage bitterness has smoothed out a bit in the last couple of days and its actually becoming more balanced! Yum :o) I love Dbl IPA's!!!
Ha, cheers mate. And thanks so much for sharing the stout, god damn that's a dangerous beer, 11% dropping like it was only 4%.
Can't wait to try some of that Pliny clone.
Well i'm on 888 ratings on Ratebeer.com, so have been shopping at the beer store :).
Have got 12 US beers, to reach 900 :0. Next target getting to the 1000 mark.


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