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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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I missed it completely .. maybe next time eh ?
Have been on hiatus, lately getting baby's room ready, If I see another paint brush will be too soon. Have also been umpiring AFL.
So will be getting some beers tomorrow night at regionals :)
Hmm, someone is playing a cruel joke on me and stocked our work beer fridge with Macs Light :oS Sh*t

Ok, so 1% ABV, 0.3 standard drinks, my first thought was Fu*k this, but after cracking it, and taking a sip I thought - "I can taste malt, and I can smell some sort of fruity ester" (not to be mistaken for hops cos lets be honest - do macs even use hops? lol)

Now whilst this is definately not a beer id wanna drink ever, its got a bit of flavour for a 1% beer so I guess thats something that should be recognised as a good achievement??? Maybe? lol

Also, some w*nker hacked into my FB account and invited like 17,000 people to my keg party tomorrow haha, I hope they all like my IIPA ;o)
Old Dirty Bastard, just to see how its drinking and as a distraction from finishing all the Sierra Nevada Summerfests in the fridge. Now that is a sunny day beer.
Drinking late hopped pale - only a pint or two left and then it's onto the North Welly Golden Ale - kegged / bottled this afternoon
Been down in Queenstown for a few days. Had a few pints of Wanaka Beerworks Brewski with lunch on Friday, it was excellent. Had Emersons bookbinder (from bottle) before dinner on Saturday, also excellent - lots of flavour but a good session beer at 3.7%.
4 cans of Mother.......trippin out man.....not even Epic is this EPIC
Enjoy your heart palpitations :)
Haha, hard bro are you sure thats safe?? LOL, isnt one can the max per day or something?
Safety has no place in the life of a renegade brewer...
Two cracking beers at The Malthouse last Friday:
-- Monk's Habit
-- Emerson's Grace Jones Porter

And I hear a rumour that Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is on tap at there now... well, I am heading home that way. It's good to be a Wellingtonian.
Lucky Wellingtonians.

Hopefully the PKB is on at Poms - sunny day down here and looking forward to a detour on my way home


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