Mike's Wheat Wine. I have never had this style of beer before. Truly interesting and definitely more flavourful than a barley wine. I think it smells like a soft, chewy caramel on the nose; not a fault though, possibly the combo of the malt and the wheat. It is also quite caramel in colour and quite opaque. A smooth mouthfeel with a hint of bitterness in the after-taste; seems quite decently alcoholic as well. Can both smell and taste it.
it's a "randall" or "hopinator" but it had pears in it instead of hops... fuckin' brilliant. Mike's mentioned we should try to stuff a corgi or two in there so that we put Her Majesty through (call it the "Regalator").
Golden Ticket Brewing's Black Emperor fresh from being filtered at Invercargill
Sliding down very nicely, which is a shame as I'm coordinating a dress rehearsal for a big project at work so will need to take things very slowly indeed.
This tastes much better than the ones I had in August. I am guessing those were shipped in the heat, and sat around for a while. It is a long way from Chico, California to Miami.