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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Good call. just needs a bit more weight and sweetness to carry that yeast...
Emersons Dunkleweiss on what was going to be an day off, but my local supermarket had it and so fresh of the boat its not yet got entered in the barcode system. Woo for $6.39 products not found beers from the drinks aisle

Super impressed with this, not usually a big wheat fan.
$5.45 at Regional Wines and Spirits.

or about $173 per litre of alcohol, if you are that way inclined ;-)
Picked up a bottle of:

Schoefferhoffer HefeWeizen and a Fullers London pride, at Ashore.
Well I have officially found the Megaswill of craft beer! Good Bastards Original - What a crock, good packaging, nice marketing, completely tasteless, slightly sweet with a hint of malt in the finish, so completely and utterly boring I couldnt bring myself to finish the bottle and ended up tipping half of it....

Moved on to a couple of Motueka PA's, it still hasnt flocced but is tasting alot better!

And then the big daddy of the night - Mikes NZ IIPA, awesome hop aroma! I got tropical fruits with a dominating peach hit! Extremely clean and well balanced.. A damn good beer!

On that note, I think its awesome that I can get a better beer from someone on here, that was made at home, than something that happens to be sold on the shelf! It felt funny tipping store brought beer and enjoying the spoils of someones home brewed craft beer afterwards ;o)
Reviled's Bourbon Porter.

In aroma a sweet, spicy vanilla, almost coriander or curry-powderish in spicyness, kinda like a funky belgian thing, but I'm pretty sure it's from real vanilla beans, very intriguing. A little caramel note in there too, and a light touch of fruit.

EDIT, I just took another sniff, and decided it's more like white pepper than curry powder.

Opaque brown, pours foamy one finger light brown head, good retention.

Balanced towards sweet, milk chocolatey, some toffee, finishes with a little roast and very light bitterness. Vanilla character in the flavour as well. Bourbon character is quite subtle but there and becomes a little more apparent as it warms. A nice alcohol warmth but no nasty high alcohols.

Medium-high body, medium low carb.

This is an very well made beer, like I'm guessing this is in the 8% range? I could easily drink a pint of this beer. Props.
Mild ale. By the pint (is there any other way). Because May is, after all, the month of mild.
I like it by the jug too.
My last bottle of last year's Invercargill Smokin' Bishop. I really fancied another afterwards but nothing would compare so I had a cup of tea. A great beer, possibly the best local beer of 2008 for me...
IRA, with Tony and Martin who came by to use the mill.
It's not going to win anything at the WBC, but strangely the good craic made it taste pretty acceptable!
I just had my last bottle of this last week and I was so bummed!! The Smoking Bishop has to be one of my fav beers and had been saving the bottle for the right moment of weekness, I cracked it open it was cloudy and oxidised!! I was so pissed off!!! I hope It must of been a rogue bottle that just happend to be my last damn it!! Still 1 off the best beers!!
I've had a fair few and they have all been on top form, just bad luck I think. Never tried one with a bit of age though but couldnt imagine it would age badly.


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