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Hi All
(Hopefully I didn't miss a thread here, I searched first!)
Just wanted to see if anyone has rhizomes available this year? I hear there is a shortage, however if there are any suppliers anyone knows of I would be keen to given them a go!

Maybe we can get a list of suppliers going? I see in the old forum that Stephen @ Hallertau may have been one of them, any ideas?


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I think you are confusing the weight drop when drying with the water content drop. What I have read is that when "dry" the water content should be 8-10%.
What you could do is sacrifice one cone. Weigh that, dry that to a crisp then weigh that again.that will give you the ratio of wet to 0% water weigh. Divide that by 1.08 to give you a ratio of wet to 8% water ratio, then you can weigh a whole lot, multiply by that figure, then dry until you achieve that weight figure. e.g. say the wet cone weighed 3, the totally dry cone weighed 1. So the wet to dry ratio is 3. Divide by 1.08 gives 2.78. So your crop of 1000 when dried to 8% water should weigh 1000/2.78 = 360.
Another way I have seen mentioned is to use a hygrometer (?) to measure the relative humidity in the oven, but you would need to know the relative humidity, the temperature, and some calculation to relate those to the humidity of the cones.
mate!! Surely you have enough hops there to warrent buying a food dehydrator?? They go for about $100 brand new, probably cheaper on TM...

Or you could just harvest them, put them all in a pile and just roll through them and make 'hop angels' ;o) haha
Spread them out on an elevated metal gauze, if poss or cardboard in your ceiling space attic etc, for a week, worked fine for me anyway, its just a bitch getting all those hops and gauze through the manhole, and back again.
The ones in the foreground are sticklebract. Marlborough sunshine,compost and daily watering. Another good way of seeing how oil production is coming along is to cut a cone thru the middle.

I was proud to have achieved some cones on my plants, but that is an awsome display of hops, well done!
How did you manage to score a named veriety like this mate?

Many brewers would kill for a named hop growing in their back yard!
I got the sticklebract from Bay Nurseries in Richmond, near Nelson for $4.95

Did they have any other varieties available?
I think they had smoothcone and another variety I cant remember I dont think they even new what it was.
I have a named variety its called Smothcone!! Hahaha:)
Time for harvest! Hopefully this arvo and I'll dry them in the oven straight away. Was hoping to use them green but won't have a chance. Not sure how many grams I'll get yet...

Was hoping to use them green but won't have a chance.

Not game to throw them in the Porter at flame out tomorrow ... he he he


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