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Is this guy trying to get on to Keith Gialbraith's old Australis beers?

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Im sure Ben had something to do with Australis but could be totlly wrong will have to wait till someone better informed says otherwise
If Ben is involved, where is being produced?
As far as I'm aware Ben has a small brewery on Waiheke isl, so this may have come from there. His last release was the Dortmunder under the NZNBC label (New Zealand Natural Brewing Company).
Odd that it's appeared in the US before here though.
It was brewed under contract at a North Island brewery. I won't say anymore, as I'm not sure how much is supposed to be confidential? I know Ben reads this forum occasionally, so hopefully he might clear it up. Or someone from said brewery. It IS totally legit though, nobody is trying to get on to anything! Australis was a partnership...
Thanks Greg,

Just trying to update Ratebeer file, as just shows "New Zealand"

Greig, you are incorrect in assuming that it is legit, it is not. For the record, Australis was a second company that was registered at Galbraith's Alehouse with myself and Ben as directors. Ben walked away from the venture and I now own the trademark to Benediction.

It has always been my intention that Benediction would be re-introduced to the market as a followup to our recently released Munich Lager and Antipodean NZPA that is now on tap at Galbraith's and will appear in bottle soon. However, Mr Middlemiss has illegally labelled a beer Benediction and exported it to Sheldon Brothers in the USA and is using the same general descriptions and packaging used for the original.

My trademark doesn't allow for anyone to produce and label any beer product using the name Benediction in New Zealand for domestic or international sale. Be assured It is not the original and Ben is trying to capitalise on the goodwill generated by our former company Australis Brewing. He is so rapidly running out of places to use his considerable brewing talents that he has resorted to illegal methods to assert himself. He is currently being persued through legal means.

Keith Galbraith
Apologies Keith. Just trying to head off the usual rumour mill before it begins. When I said "legit", I just meant it was actually Ben, not someone else. I'll say no more here.
Thanks Keith

Can I quote this reply on the "Ratebeer" form?
Happy for the truth to get out there.

Pleae give us a call next time you are thinking of coming in to Galbraith's, I don't think we've met yet.
Thanks Keith
Will do


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