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We are all organised and confirmed for Sunday 25th July from 2pm - 4pm with our host's being Darryl and Colin @ West Coast Bar and Grill in Papanui.

Style is American Amber Ale thanks to Tom.

Aroma: Low to moderate hop aroma from dry hopping or late kettle additions of
American hop varieties. A citrusy hop character is common, but not
required. Moderately low to moderately high maltiness balances and
sometimes masks the hop presentation, and usually shows a moderate
caramel character. Esters vary from moderate to none. No diacetyl.

Appearance: Amber to coppery brown in color. Moderately large off-white head with
good retention. Generally quite clear, although dry-hopped versions may
be slightly hazy.

Flavor: Moderate to high hop flavor from American hop varieties, which often but
not always has a citrusy quality. Malt flavors are moderate to strong,
and usually show an initial malty sweetness followed by a moderate
caramel flavor (and sometimes other character malts in lesser amounts).
Malt and hop bitterness are usually balanced and mutually supportive.
Fruity esters can be moderate to none. Caramel sweetness and hop
flavor/bitterness can linger somewhat into the medium to full finish.
No diacetyl.

Mouthfeel: Medium to medium-full body. Carbonation moderate to high. Overall
smooth finish without astringency often associated with high hopping
rates. Stronger versions may have a slight alcohol warmth.

Overall Impression: Like an American pale ale with more body, more caramel richness, and a
balance more towards malt than hops (although hop rates can be

Comments: Can overlap in color with American pale ales. However, American amber
ales differ from American pale ales not only by being usually darker in
color, but also by having more caramel flavor, more body, and usually
being balanced more evenly between malt and bitterness. Should not have
a strong chocolate or roast character that might suggest an American
brown ale (although small amounts are OK).

History: Known simply as Red Ales in some regions, these beers were popularized
in the hop-loving Northern California and the Pacific Northwest areas
before spreading nationwide.

Ingredients: Pale ale malt, typically American two-row. Medium to dark crystal
malts. May also contain specialty grains which add additional character
and uniqueness. American hops, often with citrusy flavors, are common
but others may also be used. Water can vary in sulfate and carbonate

Vital Statistics: OG: 1.045 – 1.060
IBUs: 25 – 40 FG: 1.010 – 1.015
SRM: 10 – 17 ABV: 4.5 – 6.2%

Commercial Examples: North Coast Red Seal Ale, Tregs HopBack Amber Ale, Deschutes Cinder
Cone Red, Pyramid Broken Rake, St. Rogue Red Ale, Anderson Valley Boont
Amber Ale, Lagunitas Censored Ale, Avery Redpoint Ale, McNeill's
Firehouse Amber Ale, Mendocino Red Tail Ale, Bell's Amber

Good luck, see you there!

Views: 150

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks James!
First trial taste this weekend of mine, its been cold conditioning for a while to get rid of my over-bittering stuff up!
HI guys, I have run late with my brew, only just put it into the fermenter on Sunday 27th. The colour has come out well, but I may be in the same boat as Nick with the bitterness. I used Amirillo, Simcoe Chinook and Cascade. 300g all up in 45l brew. Time will tell anyway. See you all on comp day. Good luck.
All I can say is 100g of Black Patent is not 10g..... :(
Woohoo, 9 days to go! Who is ready?
Yeah ready to pay my donation.....
You can direct credit them to me if y'all prefer. Once this wins you can buy it all c/- Golden Ticket.
Now that would bite if you came last.....
I think what Ally meant was that Golden Ticket are going to contract brew my the winning beer.... ;-)
I will observe from a distance until the winner is announced.... then we will see whos beer will be on sale in the wonderful world of craft beer! hahahaha

I will be having the first sample of mine today.

By the way who will be judging this time?
Having tried mines the other day I may have to back down from my bold claim of brewing MY beer and instead bribe the winning brewer to sharing their recipe with me!

I know one of the judges and I think I've got a good idea of who another one is. All will be revealed on the day (or when James tells us all)
"...I know one of the judges.." Ahem, disqualification.. ;-)


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