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We have confirmed a date with The Twisted Hop to hold the second CBC on 24th April 2010 from 3:30pm until 6pm in the No 8 room. Of course we encourage you to try some of the Hops fine ales whilst judging is undertaken, not that you haven't already!


The style for this round is 13D Foreign Extra Stout as this is the closest to “Easter Bunny Chocolate Stout” you can get, please note the "Chocolate" is preferred over a tropical version.


13D. Foreign Extra Stout


Aroma: Roasted grain aromas moderate to high, and can have coffee, chocolate and/or lightly burnt notes. Fruitiness medium to high. Some versions may have a sweet aroma, or molasses, licorice, dried fruit, and/or vinous aromatics. Stronger versions can have the aroma of alcohol (never sharp, hot, or solventy). Hop aroma low to none. Diacetyl low to none.


Appearance: Very deep brown to black in color. Clarity usually obscured by deep color (if not opaque, should be clear). Large tan to brown head with good retention.


Flavor: Tropical versions can be quite sweet without much roast or bitterness, while export versions can be moderately dry (reflecting impression of a scaled-up version of either sweet stout or dry stout). Roasted grain and malt character can be moderate to high, although sharpness of dry stout will not be present in any example. Tropical versions can have high fruity esters, smooth dark grain flavors, and restrained bitterness; they often have a sweet, rum-like quality. Export versions tend to have lower esters, more assertive roast flavors, and higher bitterness. The roasted flavors of either version may taste of coffee, chocolate, or lightly burnt grain. Little to no hop flavor. Very low to no diacetyl.


Mouthfeel: Medium-full to full body, often with a smooth, creamy character. May give a warming (but never hot) impression from alcohol presence. Moderate to moderately-high carbonation.


Overall Impression: A very dark, moderately strong, roasty ale. Tropical varieties can be quite sweet, while export versions can be drier and fairly robust.


Comments: A rather broad class of stouts, these can be either fruity and sweet, dry and bitter, or even tinged with Brettanomyces (e.g., Guinness Foreign Extra Stout; this type of beer is best entered as a Specialty Beer – Category 23). Think of the style as either a scaled-up dry and/or sweet stout, or a scaled-down Imperial stout without the late hops. Highly bitter and hoppy versions are best entered as American-style Stouts (13E).


History: Originally high-gravity stouts brewed for tropical markets (and hence, sometimes known as “Tropical Stouts”). Some bottled export (i.e., stronger) versions of dry or sweet stout also fit this profile. Guinness Foreign Extra Stout has been made since the early 1800s.


Ingredients: Similar to dry or sweet stout, but with more gravity. Pale and dark roasted malts and grains. Hops mostly for bitterness. May use adjuncts and sugar to boost gravity. Ale yeast (although some tropical stouts are brewed with lager yeast).


Vital Statistics:

OG: 1.056 – 1.075

IBUs: 30 – 70

FG: 1.010 – 1.018

SRM: 30 – 40

ABV: 5.5 – 8%


Commercial Examples: Export-Type: Freeminer Deep Shaft Stout, Guinness Foreign Extra Stout (bottled, not sold in the US), Ridgeway of Oxfordshire Foreign Extra Stout, Coopers Best Extra Stout, Elysian Dragonstooth Stout



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Whilst I have an entry for the CBC, I believe it will be my choice of brew next time.....

At least people who have smelled it think it smells like chocolate....
Another good turnout for the CBC's Foreign Stout competition with eight entries, held at The Twisted Hop, and judged by Martin (co-owner), Sean (the brewer) and Bill (of Bill's Mill fame). Again thanks to the team at The Twisted Hop (Glen especially for lending me his bottle opener!) for hosting us, we are looking forward to the next time we have it there!

The results (in short as I forgot to bring the results sheet to work):
The second winner:Tom Ashton - has chosen 10B. American Amber Ale for the next competition.
3rd (=): Nick / Crabbe
2nd: Alelover
1st: Dale (Nelson)

Again with this competition First and second were only 1 point apart, there is some feverish competition coming from far and wide.

Not only did we have the regulars, however we also had a SOBA member (Hey Cam!) join us, and a member from another forum (Hey Jamie!) to see what we were up to with the competition.

Again well done all that entered, from what I read there were no real bad comments (well at least no armpits) and again the judges had a good amount of positive critisism for us to take away to help improve our brewing.
Awesome stuff Dale, you must be stoked!!

I love AAA's, gotta be my fave style at the mo, you guys should have fun with that one!!
Mate I am stoked was a huge surprise when James told me. Funny we were only talking about AAA's last week so an excuse (if need) to try brewing one now.

Also con-grads to everyone else, am going to have to make it to one of these to be able to meet and have a beer with you guys!!!
Hey that was fun, thanks for organising etc. So the next event is an AA(a) meeting that SOBA members are coming too. hmmm....
I thought given there were half a dozen SOBA members going anyway.... :)


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