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First of all - a massive thanks to Chris for making it out and helping out with the judging. He's obviously passionate about good beer, and used this well when putting pen to paper for us.

Thanks to Alister, who once again went above and beyond with preparing the scoresheets, stewarding and collecting the kitty: sorry you couldn't hold on to it for longer than a couple of hours...

And of course to everyone who came along. I wish I could have stayed for longer - as the night was taking shape and looking like it was gonna be a ripper. Greig was on form (as usual!) as was everyones beers. The turn out was better than expected with eight entries in this category and another bunch of stragglers keen to find out who was the best this time round.

To the results, and Kyle went from zero to hero in the space of a single conference taking out the $80. Congratulations mate - lets hope the winnings buy you plenty of malt, hops and yeast... and maybe a few consumables. And to the losers - Alister and myself who (although had some very nice beer... well... Alisters was anyhow...) never had a look in, with entries too far out of style.

So... onto the next style. A new one for the WBC - and one that I am particularily looking forward to: well selected Al.

16C. Saison

Aroma: High fruitiness with low to moderate hop aroma and moderate to no herb, spice and alcohol aroma. Fruity esters dominate the aroma and are often reminiscent of citrus fruits such as oranges or lemons. A low to medium-high spicy or floral hop aroma is usually present. A moderate spice aroma (from actual spice additions and/or yeast-derived phenols) complements the other aromatics. When phenolics are present they tend to be peppery rather than clove-like. A low to moderate sourness or acidity may be present, but should not overwhelm other characteristics. Spice, hop and sour aromatics typically increase with the strength of the beer. Alcohols are soft, spicy and low in intensity, and should not be hot or solventy. The malt character is light. No diacetyl.

Appearance: Often a distinctive pale orange but may be golden or amber in color. There is no correlation between strength and color. Long-lasting, dense, rocky white to ivory head resulting in characteristic “Belgian lace” on the glass as it fades. Clarity is poor to good though haze is not unexpected in this type of unfiltered farmhouse beer. Effervescent.

Flavor: Combination of fruity and spicy flavors supported by a soft malt character, a low to moderate alcohol presence and tart sourness. Extremely high attenuation gives a characteristic dry finish. The fruitiness is frequently citrusy (orange- or lemon-like). The addition of one of more spices serve to add complexity, but shouldn’t dominate in the balance. Low peppery yeast-derived phenols may be present instead of or in addition to spice additions; phenols tend to be lower than in many other Belgian beers, and complement the bitterness. Hop flavor is low to moderate, and is generally spicy or earthy in character. Hop bitterness may be moderate to high, but should not overwhelm fruity esters, spices, and malt. Malt character is light but provides a sufficient background for the other flavors. A low to moderate tart sourness may be present, but should not overwhelm other flavors. Spices, hop bitterness and flavor, and sourness commonly increase with the strength of the beer while sweetness decreases. No hot alcohol or solventy character. High carbonation, moderately sulfate water, and high attenuation give a very dry finish with a long, bitter, sometimes spicy aftertaste. The perceived bitterness is often higher than the IBU level would suggest. No diacetyl.

Mouthfeel: Light to medium body. Alcohol level can be medium to medium-high, though the warming character is low to medium. No hot alcohol or solventy character. Very high carbonation with an effervescent quality. There is enough prickly acidity on the tongue to balance the very dry finish. A low to moderate tart character may be present but should be refreshing and not to the point of puckering.

Overall Impression: A refreshing, medium to strong fruity/spicy ale with a distinctive yellow-orange color, highly carbonated, well hopped, and dry with a quenching acidity.

Comments: Varying strength examples exist (table beers of about 5% strength, typical export beers of about 6.5%, and stronger versions of 8%+). Strong versions (6.5%-9.5%) and darker versions (copper to dark brown/black) should be entered as Belgian Specialty Ales (16E). Sweetness decreases and spice, hop and sour character increases with strength. Herb and spice additions often reflect the indigenous varieties available at the brewery. High carbonation and extreme attenuation (85-95%) helps bring out the many flavors and to increase the perception of a dry finish. All of these beers share somewhat higher levels of acidity than other Belgian styles while the optional sour flavor is often a variable house character of a particular brewery.

History: A seasonal summer style produced in Wallonia, the French-speaking part of Belgium. Originally brewed at the end of the cool season to last through the warmer months before refrigeration was common. It had to be sturdy enough to last for months but not too strong to be quenching and refreshing in the summer. It is now brewed year-round in tiny, artisanal breweries whose buildings reflect their origins as farmhouses.

Ingredients: Pilsner malt dominates the grist though a portion of Vienna and/or Munich malt contributes color and complexity. Sometimes contains other grains such as wheat and spelt. Adjuncts such as sugar and honey can also serve to add complexity and thin the body. Hop bitterness and flavor may be more noticeable than in many other Belgian styles. A saison is sometimes dry-hopped. Noble hops, Styrian or East Kent Goldings are commonly used. A wide variety of herbs and spices are often used to add complexity and uniqueness in the stronger versions, but should always meld well with the yeast and hop character. Varying degrees of acidity and/or sourness can be created by the use of gypsum, acidulated malt, a sour mash or Lactobacillus. Hard water, common to most of Wallonia, can accentuate the bitterness and dry finish.

Vital Statistics: OG: 1.048 – 1.065
IBUs: 20 – 35 FG: 1.002 – 1.012
SRM: 5 – 14 ABV: 5 – 7%

Commercial Examples: Saison Dupont Vieille Provision; Fantôme Saison D’Erezée - Printemps; Saison de Pipaix; Saison Regal; Saison Voisin; Lefebvre Saison 1900; Ellezelloise Saison 2000; Saison Silly; Southampton Saison; New Belgium Saison; Pizza Port SPF 45; Lost Abbey Red Barn Ale; Ommegang Hennepin

Views: 57

Replies to This Discussion

Not to be a cranky-pants about this, but really, I should have been the looser at the last event. My beer was completely undrinkable (I will never do a small batch again). The last three bottles I had were taken outside to the drive where I wish I had thought to have a camera. The caps were pulled and I stepped back quickly. The beer fountain was more than 5 feet high from all three bottles! Entertaining, but not how I prefer to enjoy my beer.

I do not think I will enter a beer into the next competition. We have construction on the house this summer and I will likely loose my kitchen for a while. Instead, I will brew a batch of something I know will turn out (and won't end up all over the drive).
5 feet! Wow!

You should still brew though Barbara - I'm sure one of the Aucklanders would let you "contract brew" on their gear to get you in the game. And Saisons are cool! ;)
Is this gonna kick off around 4pm again?

Im moving house that weekend, but have advised Nicole I will be sneaking out to attend this :o) My saisons pretty average tho, it got down to 1001, so totally out of style :oP lolz
4pm is as good a time as any. See you there!
I am so looking forward to this, although my early high hopes for my Saison have evaporated. Mine only made it down to 1.004!
Meh. Mine went down to 1.001, and other than being the haziest example I've ever had (and I've had quite a few in my travels) I am pretty happy with how it's shaped up. Now whether it's half as good as you lot, we shall have to wait and see. I always go into these things with low expectations, but seem to always finish up in second place. Wonder if I'll ever get a first? Or a last? Last would be fun! I have my style picked... PH33R it!
I will be there but I didn't brew an entry. I will, however, bring a batch of APA that turned out nicely.
See you there.
Awesome. I might see what else I can squeeze out of my kegs too.

By the way, I tasted my Saison again last night and all you lot should be quaking in your boots! Prepare to bow before my mighty funky Frenchness!
Thems fighting words ;o) Looking forward to a good beery catch up!
My one is a bit poo. I'll still enter it though - I have a good style in mind for the next one.
Thanks Joseph and all the others involved in organising and judging, it was a fun afternoon.

For those interested here is the winning recipe. As I said I was very doubtful about entering as I thought it was borderline as to whether it was in style, but there you go.

Batch 22 Litres

OG 1.063
FG 1.012
ABV 6.7%
IBU 27
Volume CO2 3.4

5000gm Bohemian Pilsner 82.0%
220gm Melanoiden 3.6%
220gm German Wheat Malt 3.6%
650gm White Sugar 10.7% - added to boil
40gm NZ Hallertau 6.4%AA 60min
10gm NZ Hallertau 6.4%AA 10min
14gm Czech Saaz 2.5%AA 10min
Wyeast 3522 Ardennes Ales - 1st generation, 2 Litre starter

Tartaric acid in mash to get pH 5.2

Primary fermentation at 20C constant for 16 days

2 teaspoons dissolved gelatine finings, left for 4 days

Bulk primed with 230gm white sugar & bottled


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