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Our first competition is being organised for late January /early "Febrewery" 2010. More information will follow in the coming weeks as to the location and actual date.

The style chosen is NZ Pale Ale using the SOBA HBC guidelines as follows:

0E. New Zealand Pale Ale

Aroma: Showcases New Zealand hops in moderate to high strength. A grassy or resiny character maybe evident from dry hopping or late kettle additions but this should be balanced and not excessive. Fruity esters vary from moderate to none. Moderately-low to moderately-high maltiness possibly including bready, biscuity, caramel and/or toasty malt qualities may support the hops. Generally no diacetyl but very low levels are allowable.
Appearance: Gold to deep copper in colour. Generally clear although a slight haze may occur due to dry hopping. Moderate white to off-white head with good retention. Carbonation may vary from moderately-low to moderately high.
Flavour: Moderate to high hop flavour, showing New Zealand hop qualities. The balance is typically towards the late hops and bitterness, but the malt presence can be substantial. Low to moderate maltiness. The malt character may show slightly toasty, bready, biscuity and/or caramelly qualities but this is generally restrained and in balance as to not dominate the flavour. Finish medium to dry and crisp, with a lingering moderate to high hop bitterness and a grainy malt flavour. Low to moderate fruity esters are acceptable. Alcohol may be evident. Low to moderate sulphur and mineral characters are allowable. Generally no diacetyl but very low levels are allowable.
Mouthfeel: Medium-light to medium bodied. Medium to medium-high carbonation. Overall smooth finish without astringency often associated with high hopping rates.
Overall Impression: Refreshing and hoppy, yet with sufficient supporting malt. A broad style allowing a considerable degree of interpretation.
Vital Statistics:
OG: 1.048-1.060 IBUs: 30-50 FG: 1.010-1.016 SRM: 6-16 ABV: 4.6-6.0%
Commercial Examples: Emerson’s 1812, Three Boy’s IPA, Founder’s Fair Maiden Ale

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From the style guidelines above:
Generally clear although a slight haze may occur due to dry hopping.

So if it's really cloudy you may be marked down a little, however it is judges discretion on the day!
Okay more questions...
As this will be my first brew comp i need to know how we present the beer?
- Does it need to be labelled.
-How many entries canI make?
-Is there an age limit on the entry?

That will do for now.
Sorry Ron missed your post.

- We would prefer the bottle is not labelled as we will give you a number when you give us the bottle(s) and mark your bottle.
- At least 1 750ml bottle. (2 x 500ml is fine)
- You can enter as many times as you like, $10 per entry.
- Age of the beer, no limit, age of participants subject to Pom's licence! :)
Okay brewers, we have an excellent afternoon sorted with Pomeroy's for the inaugural CBC.

Time: January 30, 2010 from 4pm to 6pm
Location: Pomeroys Old Brewery Inn
Street: Kilmore St
City/Town: Christchurch

If you want to enter a beer from out of CHCH, please send Ally or I a PM and we can arrange receipt of your beer/payment etc.
What an excellent afternoon at Pom's. A big thank you to Steve and Ava for hosting us and being part of the judging team along with Craig (BeerNZ) and Sean (brewer from The Twisted Hop).

Another big thank you to all those that got involved with the afternoon by entering their beers. All up we had 12 entries which the judges rated highly, the comment being a past competition 4 out of 5 beers didn't even make it past their noses, this time they were all worthy of the swallow (not the spit)!!!!

Congratulations to Alelover for taking home first with a score of 100.5 out of a possible 150. The judges did comment on their harshness in judging, however we got consistent results over the whole field which the entrants were happy with the much wanted feedback.

Ron has picked up the task of choosing the next style in April's CBC. Early thoughts is an Easter Bunny Stout (chocolate of course).

The official results (adjudicated over a couple pints) are as follows:

Dave 100.5
Nick 100
James 98
Dale 1 97.5
Tom 94.5
Ally 92.5
Ron 1 90.5
Will 87
Dale 2 84.5
Nathan 80.5
Ged 77
Ron 2 60

Well done all those who entered and we are looking forward to Ron providing Easter eggs and Herrschnapps providing hot cross buns at the next CBC.

Cheers guys on an excellent afternoon, it was great to put some faces to names.
Congats to Dave and Nick,as top of the class and then everyone else. It was great to try all your beers.
I'm already thinking hard as to how to put some more points on my score for next time.
Think Chocolate boys...SMOOOOOTH silky dark stouty black stuff.
I get the local chickens working on the easter egg ...asap!
Excellent afternoon guys. Always good to get feedback irrespective of placing. Enjoyed meeting the newbies and well done to Dave on his top score.
Thanks to all involved, really enjoyed the afternoon! Someone slipped something special into one of those brews, I slept all the way the West Coast afterwards.....
Yeah Hops they have great sedative qualities!!
Man I'm stoked with my results. Will try to turn up to the next one. Congrats to the winners.....
Congratulations guys!
Big thanks to all involved in making the competition a success. Looking forward to Easter bunny stout!


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