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Our first competition is being organised for late January /early "Febrewery" 2010. More information will follow in the coming weeks as to the location and actual date.

The style chosen is NZ Pale Ale using the SOBA HBC guidelines as follows:

0E. New Zealand Pale Ale

Aroma: Showcases New Zealand hops in moderate to high strength. A grassy or resiny character maybe evident from dry hopping or late kettle additions but this should be balanced and not excessive. Fruity esters vary from moderate to none. Moderately-low to moderately-high maltiness possibly including bready, biscuity, caramel and/or toasty malt qualities may support the hops. Generally no diacetyl but very low levels are allowable.
Appearance: Gold to deep copper in colour. Generally clear although a slight haze may occur due to dry hopping. Moderate white to off-white head with good retention. Carbonation may vary from moderately-low to moderately high.
Flavour: Moderate to high hop flavour, showing New Zealand hop qualities. The balance is typically towards the late hops and bitterness, but the malt presence can be substantial. Low to moderate maltiness. The malt character may show slightly toasty, bready, biscuity and/or caramelly qualities but this is generally restrained and in balance as to not dominate the flavour. Finish medium to dry and crisp, with a lingering moderate to high hop bitterness and a grainy malt flavour. Low to moderate fruity esters are acceptable. Alcohol may be evident. Low to moderate sulphur and mineral characters are allowable. Generally no diacetyl but very low levels are allowable.
Mouthfeel: Medium-light to medium bodied. Medium to medium-high carbonation. Overall smooth finish without astringency often associated with high hopping rates.
Overall Impression: Refreshing and hoppy, yet with sufficient supporting malt. A broad style allowing a considerable degree of interpretation.
Vital Statistics:
OG: 1.048-1.060 IBUs: 30-50 FG: 1.010-1.016 SRM: 6-16 ABV: 4.6-6.0%
Commercial Examples: Emerson’s 1812, Three Boy’s IPA, Founder’s Fair Maiden Ale

Views: 176

Replies to This Discussion

Nice one James, nows time to start planning....
ooohh...a regular meet and competition.

Looking forwards to it

However, believe Ally McG should have to brew one handed with a blindfold as he's now commercial :)
Ally is doing the hard work to get the venue and dates sorted, and I'll make sure he is kept busy with "crises"... oh and if that doesn't work I know where he lives....
Sounds like fun!
Can I vote for/suggest a date outside school holidays?
Flattered you consider me competition Ged.

Should be a good occasion though and looking forward to seeing how everyone interprets the style.
Fantastic! Wonder if the Rangiria pale ale we brewed a few months back would qualify as a NZ Pale ale, as we used Wyeast 1968?
I dont think that yeast should be an issue in this category:

Flavour: Moderate to high hop flavour, showing New Zealand hop qualities. The balance is typically towards the late hops and bitterness, but the malt presence can be substantial. Low to moderate maltiness. The malt character may show slightly toasty, bready, biscuity and/or caramelly qualities but this is generally restrained and in balance as to not dominate the flavour.

Sounds like 1968 to me. You would probably want to dry hop it though considering the guidelines describe a balance leaning towards hop flavour and aroma.
Happy to offer judging services gents - also have glasses, jugs etc. Let me know once the venue is sorted. I could suggest a few if required.

Brewing today...Looking forwards to bringing up the rear :)
We still haven't brewed ours yet, maybe next week... fingers crossed!
Maybe brewing CBC NZ Pale v2 this weekend if I can't be bothered doing renovations and gardening and can get off the couch....
I have a question on the style?
Would an NZ IPA be marked down if it was not clear? By this I mean if it had wheat malt in it.


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