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One of my favorite styles. Place your tried and true recipes here!

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This is my twist on the style.

Best Bitter

OG 1.042
FG 1.008
ABV c.4.5%
IBUs c.45
Brew size 21L

UK Pale 90%
Crystal (c. 90L) 4%
Melanoidian 3%
CaraMunich 3%

Mashed at 66C for 90min (Cambridge tap). Continuous sparge.

60min boil

20g NZ Goldings (4.1%) and 25g NZ Styrian Goldings (5.5%) @60min; 30g NZ Goldings and 30g NZ Styrian Goldings @30min; 10g NZ Styrian Goldings and 5g Motueka (6.7%) @10min.

Yeast: 1028 (500mL starter).

This was the first time I used my new thermostat to control fermentation temperature- made my life easier, and hoping that my consistency will improve as a result. Fermented at 20C for seven days, then ramped it up to 22C for two days. No secondary fermentation for this one. Really nice brew.

where do you get your ingredients? - im going to give this recepie a try but cant source the yeast and Melanoiden Malt.

Hi Adrian, Got both from the Dunedin Malthouse (www.dunedinmalthouse.co.nz). They courier anywhere and their prices are pretty good.


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