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Shane Morley's been in touch with me in regards to a tour of Steam Brewing, awesome!

Hes offered to take us around and show us what its all about, as well as answer any questions.. well get to see how the Cock n Bull beers, and of course, Epic, is made, and well also get to see the packaging line!! Then we will hopefully be lucky enough to sample some of the beers conditioning... Yum :o)

Date is most probably going to be the 18th of April, and were only able to have a max of about 20 people so first in first serve...

Post up here if youre interested :o)

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Don't worry, Joking, your come will turn. I mean we'll make it up at the conference, soon.
Yup same here, massive thanks to everyone.
One more round of thanks to Reviled for arranging this and to Shane for his time and fine product. A very enlightening and entertaining afternoon. Epic the highlight of the tasting for me as well. Great to meet a few posters too!
Hey Shane, Thanks a shitload. I've now got a million things to try over the next few months. Really appreciate you giving up your free time. Also good to catch up with everyone and put a face to some of the online names. Thanks Tyler for the organising. Was well and truely worth the effort coming up from Tauranga yet again.

Hats off to Steam Brewing!!!! Meeting Shane and seeing the plant/process I can now understand why the Cock & Bull and EPIC are both standout products in craft beer market.


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