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Renaissance's seasonal release, Paradox, is just awesome IMO... It reminds me of some of the really hoppy refreshing Pale Ales that I like to brew, just not as bitter :oP lol

If you see it around, you should most definately try it! Chock full of Riwaka hops, nice balance between the hops and the malt, good body, all round a really good beer! An awesome quaffer for a hot summers day, my bottle didnt last very long thats for sure... :o)

IMO it kicks Perfections ass, which was previously my favourite Renaissance beer...

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Sierra Nevada too please ;o)
bevmo will provide....


Incidently i popped up to New World Thorndon at lunch, no Paradox yet but there is shelf space cleared ready
The shelf space is cleared because Mike popped in and purchased $384 worth!
Yes correct I do have a problem!! Now I know how female feel like when they go looking for shoes!! I see something that I like and I buy alot of them im sick!!!

Thanks for contacting us.

We do not have an import agent in place yet for New Zealand but hope to be sorted sometime this year.
A good variety of our beers, including the entire XS line, are available in Australia. Our agent there is Innspire (www.innspire.com.au).



Edward J. Han
International Ambadassador
Rogue Ales & Spirits
+1.503.241.3800 x3

Is this the year?
Man, I'd love to be internaional ambassador for Rogue.
Hey, I should be international ambassador for yeastie boys...!!
I did that with myself recently. I tried on four pairs of shoes at Gubb's on Manners Street. Had them all out over the floor. I could see the guy thinking "This fella's not going to buy a thing"... just before I announced I'd take three of them. Good store that one.

Though, thinking about it now, I could have got 1/4 of a pallet of US beer if I'd kept wearing the shoes with the hole in the toe.
You could allways return the shoes :oP

But seriously Stu, 3 pairs????
Surely theyd be putting a big mark up on the prices tho?

OMG, 24 box of SNPA for less than $24 USD?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Are you kidding me? Thats awesome! And 6 pack of barley wine for $10!!! OMFG!!!
Oh hell yeah these guys are a liquor store in the US so usual markup applies.....i went into one in SanFrancisco and i was like a kid in a candy store....
I can tell you 1st hand Revilled, that when you walk into the corner store in San Diego and see a 6 pack of Ruination sitting next to a six pack of Green Flash IPA and it says "$12", then you walk up to the counter with one bottle - and the fat lady says "we only sell those in 6 packs, sir". Then you tell her you can only afford one because you only have a twenty dollar note... Then she says "You Ossies aint very good at maths are ya?" and you realise that it is actually that cheep to by a whole six pack 100+ IBU beer at 7% abv.

You really do realise how truly lucky the Americans are.
Damn! :0(


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