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Ok - so this might seem a little weird and PC by my usual standards but in team meetings at work I encourage people to give a quick "barometer" check of their week to see how they are going. It helps people crystallize their thoughts into the essential things that are going on. So I thought I would try it here on the forum.
There are only 3 rules:
1. You must provide an answer when asked as you would in a team meeting at work - if you are lucky enough ;-) (volunteer out of turn - it's fine on a forum);
2. You may have as many highs for the week as you can reasonably think of but at least one is compulsory; and
3. You may have a maximum of only 1 low for the week.

So what are my items this week? Glad you asked....

1. California Lager yeast (Wyeast 2112) - wow, just loving it and the fact that beers take so little time to condition up!
2. Quick disconnects for my gas on my corny kegging system - how did I live before hand. If people want to get you a cheap but valuable present for birthday/father's day/any other reason then get them to buy you a QD's for less than $35.

1. Promising 15L of beer to a friend on Friday 30th May and knowing that you don't have a hope in hell as it's that good it won't last that long! ;-)


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What's going in the garden Stu ?
Homebrew comp results! absolutely stoked!
Getting the all clear from the surgeon today to drink beer again....i was the only person at the NHC awards drinking tomato juice....celebrated at home afterwards with a ginger beer :0(
Pot kettle black flagon in the fridge and Emersons APA...role on Friday!

Friday? What are you waiting for?
Lows of the week:
1.Getting chicken pox for the second time in my life.... at 31 these little f***ers really hurt. I can tell you that you don't want to have the Cpox in some places on your body... nor the feeling of crawling all over your body.
2. Unable to brew.... again... this time due to 1, and being contagious...

High of the week:
When not being sick, or having to scratch, reading more of How To Brew and formulating recipes.
High of the week:
Sitting next to John Palmer for 2 days at the ANHC, meeting and chatting with Jamil Zainasheff, meeting lots of fellow aussie homebrewers and sampling their beers, partaking in the many different conference beers on tap all day for 2 days, learning a ton about various aspects of brewing both at home and commercially.

Coming down with a cold, on holiday. Sucks.
Weekend in Christchurch with IPA and Skull Buggery on at the twisted hop, weather was lovely, pomeroys with Ged was fun, pitch black was tasting good, Crouchers Czech Pilsner was great....

Lows: Back at work today....struggling!
Lows of the week: Kempicus and Ged getting on it in Chch and not letting the rest of us know ;-)

Highs: Finally getting a brew down..it's a kit stout.
Making a starter and seeing it getting going in good order.

Highs/lows for the year...

For me, the high is undoubtedly the rise and rise of Renaissance. The first time I ever tasted Perfection it was pretty good. The next couple of years I found it undrinkable. I talked about this with Brian from Renaissance and found him to be very keen to get things right... Every bottle of Renaissance beer that I've had this year (barring an ok Discovery), and I've had a fair few, has been absolutely outstanding.

Well done fellas. Long may it last!

Slainte mhath
I really love all of the Renaissance beers too! They are amazing! Had Stone Cutter out of the tap at Galbraiths, was devine!!! But overall, Perfection would have to be my fave, an awesome quaffer!!!
Every bottle of Perfection I've had this year has been sour. Bar one - I shared one with my brother a month or so ago and it was indeed utter perfection.
You should have got in touch with Brian, like Stu said, hes allways really keen to get feedback and to try and rectify the problem...
That's interesting because the problems I was having over the last couple of years was mostly acetaldehyde (green apple) and acetic acid (vinegar) a couple of times. As far as I'm aware, acetaldehyde converts to acetic acid through oxidation.

I'm very sensitive to acetaldehyde and I've certainly not spotted anything in the last 6-8 months. I didin't drink a lot of Renaissance (if any at all) early in the year but have done a lot in the middle and second half. The last time i remember having problems with the beer is around BrewNZ 2007.

Do you check expiry dates? I wouldn't be surprised if turnover up your way is a lot slower. You might well have been drinking some 2007 beer.


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