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Im brewing this in the weekend


5.26KG Ale Malt (NZ) (*Base Malt)

0.63KG Munich Type I (NZ)

0.272KG Medium Crystal (NZ)

0.18KG Pale Chocolate Malt (UK)

0.12KG Chocolate Malt (NZ)

0.091KG Black Malt (UK)


17.3g Nelson Sauvin Pellet @ 11.5% for 75 minutes boil

17.3g NZ Cascade Pellet @ 7.8% for 15 minutes boil

17.3g Nelson Sauvin Pellet @ 11.5% for 15 minutes boil

17.3g NZ Cascade Pellet @ 7.8% at flame-out

9g Nelson Sauvin Pellet @ 11.5% at flame-out

17.3g Styrian Goldings @ 7.8% at flame-out

17.3g NZ Cascade Pellet @ 7.8% dry-hop for 7 days

17.3g Styrian Goldings @ 7.8% dry-hop for 7 days

Views: 1304

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The ingredients look good - what's your plan for the mash - temperature and time?

Recipe says to mash at 66c for 75 mins. What do you think? I have been mashing at 67 for 60 mins when doing ales.

I think 66 or 67 would be fine for conversion of the ale, Munich and crystal malts. The recipe may have specified 75 mins as a slight precautionary measure to ensure there's enough time for full conversion at the slightly lower mash temperature. The only way I know to check whether conversion is complete is the iodine test but you'll probably get good results with either option. Does the recipe have a recommended yeast?

Yes US05

What batch size are you doing?  I have a slightly different recipe - mines based off the US version and I have Melanoidin and no Chocolate.  Still, was a hit.  I used US 05.

Seems a little low on hop additions, too...?  PKB is usually 60IBU, your recipe comes out at less than 40.

I hear you on the IBU, the recipe is for 23 litres but I will only get 20 litres with the limits of my BIAB setup. Maybe bump up the 75 and 15 additions slightly?

What's your efficiency like?

Yup, because mine was based on US Remix, I used 26gms of Nugget for bittering and all NZ Cascade after that.  25g at 30 minutes and 25g at 15 minutes then 50g at flameout and two dry hops.  On my software, if you crank you first three additions (75 and your two 15 minute) to 25g you get closer to 60IBU.


Having said that, with the advice of Stu McKinley, I dropped the IBU to about 30 when I used the recipe for a wedding beer and it was still bloody tasty.  In fact, I had one of my last bottles the other day and it retained some decent aroma, too!  For the wedding version tho, I think I did a single bigger dry hop addition and like I say, it's hung around! 

Having said all that, brew to your tastes!

Not really sure how to calculate efficiency.....

from what I got from Stu, the melanoidin is there along with the choc and dark choc from glads in place of black (its supposedly a straight sub)

melanoidin in place of medium crystal. if you like hops bump it up, it certainly won't hurt the beer.

Yeah,  my recipe is a bit of a stuff up.  I got some info on the recipes, read the info that came with it and then adapted the wrong recipe.  So I haven't subbed the Melanoidin for the Chocolate...my recipe just doesn't have any Chocolate - as per the US Remix (according to the info I was given!) recipe I have.

However, I realised my mistake after three batches, tho having said that, I really like my recipe! The Melanoidin is not in place of the black either, it's in place of the Munich!  So I have base, Melanoidin, Med Crystal, Pale Chocolate and Black Patent! 

Am keen to try the correct recipe, adapted in the same way - maybe for Finney's clone wars, even!




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