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This is a re-brew of one I did last year., with some minor changes.

I had some efficiency issues, as i was expecting an OG of 1.062


"Beer for the End of the Universe" - Those doctor Who fans, will get the reference.

OG: 1.057          FG: 1.014          ABV: 5.7%

mash temp: 65 deg c          Mash time: 90 Minutes

5.5kg Gladfield Pale Malt

0.3kg Vienna Malt

0.2kg Melanoidin

0.15kg Caramunich II

0.12kg caramalt

50g Acidulated Malt

20g Simcoe @ 60 mins - 29.1 IBU

30g Centennial @ 30mins - 25.1 IBU

30g cascade @ 10 mins - 7.3 IBU

30g Amarillo @ Flameout

Slurry of WLP530 - Abbey Ale

Dry Hops - 6 days

20g Amarillo

20g Cascade

15g Centennial

IBU - 62.7 IBU

Colour: 16.8 EBC

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For those who are on Untappd, please revised and rate my beer. Using the following:

Brewery: Beer Crusades Brewery

Beer Name: Bad wolf Belgian IPA

Country: New Zealand


Second of my case swap beers. I had it with my curry and it went really well.

Appearance. Looks good in the glass, good head and lovely colour.

Aroma. Really nice Belgian yeast aroma which is balanced nicely with the hops.

Taste. Lovely Belgian taste, lingering bitterness.

I really enjoyed this, thanks. Interesting that it is the same FG as Oli's, but I didn't find this as sweet a finish. Could possibly be because of the extra IBU's

Yeah. Really enjoying this beer. Still needs tweaking. But solid. Was in brew comp too interested to see results.

Judging: 35/50 - 35/50 and 33/50

16E Belgian Specialty Ale

Pretty good marks, Paul said the winning beer for belgian was around 37, so not too far off.

For most part, the judges said appearance was good

out of the 3 sheets someone said slight dms, which I can't pick up, but let me know if anyone else can.

Appearance, copper/golden colour

Aroma: I picked up the Malt first followed by the fruity/alcohol esters, slight hop aroma but I think it was hidden behind the malt and fruit.

Flavour: Nice and smooth malt and citrus, not overly bitter but the bitter lingers.

Medium mouth feel. Good head that stays around and medium to high carbonation

Over All a nice beer that I also enjoyed with a curry

Cheers Paul. Really happy with this beer.

This is my case swap beer tonight.

Poured a nice light amber colour with good clarity. Thick head which is barely dropping. Certainly looks good.

Initially a nice floral hop character jumped out. After a while smelling I can pick up a soft supporting malt backbone with an almost earthy background as well as the hops.  Fruity esters.Smells awesome.

Taste is clean and well balanced. Delicate fruity/floral hop character with a fairly clean malt bill. Lingering bitterness. The yeast gives it that Belgian twist and is a great match for this recipe. It's not over the top Belgian but gives the beer another side.

Med/high carbonation. Med/low mouthfeel and a dry finish make this very drinkable. I didn't detect any DMS.

Excellent work Rob, I really enjoyed this.

Pours golden with excellent clarity. Good carbonation.Little aroma on the nose. For me this is an interesting beer that does not grab me straight away. I struggle with hoppy begins as for me I struggle with the balance.

This is not really a style I enjoy but still think you've produced a great beer with excellent clarity. Well done Rob.

Appearance: Big fluffy head, dark copper colour, slightly hazy, great head retention.

Flavour: banana, coriander, pepper, bitter finish. Little bit soapy, bitter finish. Some nice complex flavours coming through, esters + phenols from the yeast mixed with citrusy/piney hop flavours.

Aroma: banana, spice, perfume

Body: med-full body, solid carb.

Overall: Well made beer, some nice flavours coming from the yeast too. For me the bitterness clashed with the yeast flavours a bit and it needed to be a little drier maybe. Nice clean ferment, well brewed :)

Yeah next brew will be ardennes, i've been told it plays much better with the hops. I dont think I'd want it too much direr, like the body it currently has. glad you enjoyed.

Hi Rob. My sob story is I got some bug just in time for GKBF that made me feel nauseous everytime I went near a hop. Ended up drinking lime-aid at the GKBF which was gutting.  And once I got over that I went away for work and the only beer available was steinlager. So excited to finally be able to crack in to the case swap and loved this

appearance - lovely golden beer, nice and clear, good head

aroma - poured it in to IPA glass - got a really nice first nose of lovely hops - died out though which I think reflects being slow to crack it. after time and the beer warming got some nice malt and yeast smells

taste - initially got some hops, as it sat in the glass some nice malt and Belgian sweetness, balanced bitterness

mouthfeel - nice carbonation, nice body

overall - I really rated this Rob. best beer I had in a couple of weeks - not sure if that was because I'd not had much beer lately, or it just was what I felt like at the time.  Anyway thank you. When you say you think it needs more tweaks, what are you planning to do?


Yeast change required something like Ardennes will play the hops a bit better. That's the main change. I find it's a really nice beer but. I need something that is more restrained and clashes less. Glad you enjoyed it.


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