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$50+GST / month
Batch size: 20L
OG 1053
FG 1012
IBU 19
**** The final FG ended up as .998 due to the hungry MG Yeast making this a 6.5% brew.
Pilsner | 2.5kg | mash |
Wheat | 500g | mash |
Aromatic Barley | 240g | mash |
Caramel 40L | 230g | mash |
raisons | 100g | mash |
Melanoidin | 100g | mash |
CaraAroma | 100g | mash |
Vienna | 100g | mash |
Sugar table | 280g | boil |
Muscavado | 280g | boil |
Hops: Pacific Gem 60min: 10g
Yeast: M27 Mangrove Jacks Belgian Ale
Finings: Irish Moss 5g @ 15min
Mash at 65C for 90min
Mashout 75C for 15min
Boil for 90min
Fermentation: 26C rising to 29C over 1 week, leaving for 2 weeks to finish
Bulk Prime: 115g table sugar, 2.2vols.
Aroma: Belgian esters coming through can’t put my finger on any specific smell but it smells like a Belgian beer, There is some slight malty notes as well.
Appearance: Deep golden colour with a good head.
Flavour: Complex malt flavours coming through, not overly bitter with a light-med sweet finish.Some alcohol coming through as the sweetness fades.
Mouth feel: Good carbonation medium creamy body.
Overall: Great beer. Very nice Dubbel ! I could not find any faults in it.
Appearance: Nice bubbly head, great colour and clarity. Maybe a bit light in colour for style?
Aroma: I got a little malt coming through with a lovely Belgian aromas of spices and cloves
Taste: Subtle Belgian characteristics. Slightly sweet. For style there probably needs to be a bit more of that maltyness coming through to add complexity. It also finnished a little thin for me, but if you get more of the aromatic malt into it i reckon that would sort out both bits.
Overall: I still really enjoyed the beer. It is almost perfect, just needs that little bit more malt backbone and you'll be onto a winner. Good work
Aroma: huge metallic aroma, lots of nailpolish too, strong plastic phenols coming through as it warms up.
Flavour: massive metallic note, very hard to drink. Metallic flavour is dropping off a little, getting a very astringent finish now that lingers quite a bit.
Appearance: golden amber, decent clarity, thin lasting head.
Overall: I found this undrinkable, maybe I just got a bad bottle and I'm quite sensitive to metallic flavours. Not sure what could have caused this but I'd try starting the ferment a bit cooler next time? Don't have much experience with belgians though. Looking at everyone else's comments I must have gotten a bad bottle :p.
Hi Dean. really interested to try this as I tried a beer with M27 at the same time which also went nuts (see your Facebbok Other folder - keen to flick you some to grit your teeth and try....)
appearance - golden, clear, head almost not there
aroma - some spice, some ester, maybe a touch of phenol? (neophyte speaking)
taste - some spice. some acid kick/backbone. almost some orange. integrates. my partner says honey/maple syrup then marmite which is an odd thought
mouthfeel - thin but nice. drinkable. probably too drinkable for ABV. carb is good and more than i expected without head (is this the very low FG?)
overall - enjoyable. I wondered maybe more strong saison rather than dubbel, but i seldom know what I am talking about
thank you
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