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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Some special, but bloody expensive beers from the US.  A traveller and now email buddy I met at the Malty and I decided to do a beer swap...Seemed simple.  I sent my beers on 18 Jan, they arrive back at the back door last week.  Never made it.  He could not get the US postal service to carry his beer as it was "hazardous" so he spent $150US to fedex it to me.  Upon arrival, customs charged me $105NZ for GST - how expensive did they think these beers were?!?  Anyway...


Abita SOS Charitable Pilsner 7% Weizen Pils; poured slight hazy but with a good head and had an excellent creamy mouthfeel.  Was well balance with malt and sterling and german perle hops; certainly had the taste of a noble hop.  The wheat seemed to add to the mouthfeel and a slightly spicy characteristics.  Drunk on a warm afternoon in the sun it was very nice.  Slightly higher alcohol than your average pils.  Thumbs up.


Anderson Valley Hop Ottin IPA 7%.  Think you can actually get this from HZ but special cause it came in my special pack.  Drunk last night.  A glass each for Jonny and I with a chicken and potato salad with herbed salsa verde.  It had travelled amazingly well and smelt and tasted delicious.  Super hoppy but very well balanced with a hint of sweet malt in the background.  Jonny reports that more than a glass could become overwhelming...I am not sure if I agree.


I still have two bottles of Deschutes Dissident and an Anderson Valley American Amber Ale to go.  Drinking Stu's rapture at the moment from the Chch earthquake deal from beer store.  Quite enjoying it...Impressive flavour for the alcohol percentage.  On to bottle two so wont take long to get through the six pack.

Crikey steph, that actually hurt to read let alone be charged myself!! Surely you can contest the GST that customs charged you?? Seems crazy!!

I want a taste of this collaberation brew half of nz is involved with. Excuse my ignorance, but surely it will be nectar from the Gods with over 500 yrs combined experience in the pot.

Being an impatient git, I want the recipe ASAP so I can have a bash at it meself.

Come on Lukey Boy and Smelly Kelly, spill the beans.....

Just started a session of 8 Wired Underwired , Man what a great beer looks like i will be back at the FYO tomorrow morning , now i dont mind being the sober driver tomorrow
It is crazy, but done now...And the beers are tasting great!!  But, it will be the first and last time we attempt such an exercise!!

Called by the North Welly Engineering Unit and Hop Plantation this afternoon, caught a bit of brew day action,  dropped off some garden suff and had a couple of samples.


A Green Bullet Ale - similar to the Super Alpha ale but better balanced, probably a better hop to go for broke on. I could imagine it brewed as a lager - but we agreed that you probably wouldn't want to - you'd want a bit more character


A North West Welly Ale, agreed it's good yeast & good beer. not as kind to the late hops as we'd like, but good none the less

And we're wondering how Matthews  ringbinder is tasting - any news Matthew ?

Got it all bottled yesterday. Finished @ 1.009 - Aiming for 3.9%


Happy with how it's tasting so far, I think the late PJ might be coming through a touch too much but I'll wait for the bottle conditioned version before I make that call...

Do you have plans for the yeast Matthew - another batch to sort out the PJ or something different ?

My Terrapin Rye PA clone, will give some more details in the 'WAYB' thread a little later on.


Yeastie Boys Rapture - Num nums.  But fuck phenolics, they all taste like seaweed to me?  Argh.  


Kaimai Porter - Is this beer supposed to be sour?  It's along the lines of a oud bruin in terms of sourness level.  Lactic sourness, very little - if any - acetic, no pedio/diacetyl character, pretty punchy fruity aroma of cherry/berry/old jelly beans.  Either way, not bad, would make a good Flander's Brown haha.

Yum, I love the Kaimai Porter Glen - can't say I got any sourness out of the few bottles i've had tho :o/


Saturday night was full of awesome beer, at the Liberty Brewing launch - Amarillo and Simcoe West Coast Blonde - Fukn awesome!! Like others have said, the Simcoe had more on the nose, but the Amarillo seemed to deliver more on the palate, and as such IMO was more drinkable! If I had to pick, id say the Amarillo by a whisker, and thats probably because the Simcoe one kept making me try and shove my nose as far down into the glass as possible so I could get all of those delicious aroma's!! It distracted me from drinking it it was that good! haha


I was prompted to blend a half and half pint, and the first thing I said to Jo was "Why didn't you just brew it like this?" It was very close to perfect!! And I guess I was surprised at how well the two blended together!


Wicked night, cheers Jo, and Liberty brewing :o)

Went to Galbraith's for a cheeky couple last night. Started on the Bob's, which was in great form as usual, then moved on to the Antipodean. Absolutely stunning! Keith said that they've tweaked the recipe recently and it's right on the money. Lovely balance. Could have happily drunk half a dozen if it wasn't for being a Monday.

Some people are consuming less .... petrol




You didn't manage a Yeastie Boys plug in there Stu, i think you're slipping ?


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