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Thanks again to Hallertau for hosting this fine and prestigious event.

Hey boys and girls, sorry for this late write up (prompted my Greig) but have had a lot on my plate the last few months

First off a congrats to the first prize winners of the last comp John Golics and Matt. I managed to scrape in third so got to choose the style. Which is as the title states imperial red. Which as it turns out isn't an authentic style. Which is actually a good thing. So in saying that there will be a fair bit of ingenuity needed on this one. I can however give you some guidelines to go by.

Vital Statistics: OG: 1.060 – 1.075
IBUs: 50 – 90 FG: 1.008 – 1.012
SRM: 10 – 17 ABV: 6 – 9%

So everyone better get brewing :-)

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I *did* brew one, and might send it along for mocking (I'm pretty unhappy with it, but it borders on drinkable). I now can't make it unless Luke & Kelly's North Island tour magically shifts the date to something that isn't the 19th, as I have a date with world-famous-in-New-Zealand-hood. ;) I don't think I'll give them any of this beer to taste though!


Is anyone doing the usual Friday SOBA drinks in Auckland on the 18th though? Alex and I will be there, along with His Martinness, and since Martin is also bailing, I'll need someone to give my entry to.

Greig, I can meet you at O'Carroll's on the 18th. Seems every time I go, we have to leave before anyone else shows up. Why does everyone seem to work late? Um, hello?... it's FRIDAY!!!

As I said, I won't have an entry but I have another batch I would like feedback on so I will be there.

See you all in a week


Cool! I'll do my best to be there by 5 - I'm up for a conferency thing which should be well finished by then, just down on the waterfront, so only a short walk away.
No brew from me and not sure if I'll make it up at all!
Brewed one but I'm not sure if it's good enough to share yet...

Richard - that is no excuse, last time I brought along my 1004 FG dubbel and got absolutely owned, but still had a good time ;o) haha


I don't have anything brewed, but will try to attend!! Is it this saturday?

Hint: the date is in the title of the message thread :)
lol cheers mate, I saw that after Raffe referenced it! lol, lucky I did tho, otherwise I might have turned up at Hallertau today, and what a tragedy that would be :o/ haha

Shit, Haish just helped me out by kegging my beer (in order to get it carbed and ready in time), and now I'll have to buy a kegging setup. It's like I've seen behind the curtain, that was all too easy, I'm spoiled forever now.

Yup, once you've seen the kegs, you can't go back.
Actually I won't be around to make it (bugger) as I will be down in Wellington (huzzah) that weekend. For some reason I thought it was the following weekend, and only just noticed the date in the thread title.....

Okay so I've got a pretty nice tasting, but extremely cloudy beer to enter. Sorry I've never been before, and don't really know how the day (or evening?) is run.... What time do entries need to be in? How much beer do people bring?



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