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Batch size: 20L

OG 1053

FG 1012

IBU 19

**** The final FG ended up as .998 due to the hungry MG Yeast making this a 6.5% brew.


Pilsner 2.5kg mash
Wheat 500g mash
Aromatic Barley 240g mash
Caramel 40L 230g mash
raisons 100g mash
Melanoidin 100g mash
CaraAroma 100g mash
Vienna 100g mash
Sugar table 280g boil
Muscavado 280g boil

Hops: Pacific Gem 60min: 10g

Yeast: M27 Mangrove Jacks Belgian Ale

Finings: Irish Moss 5g @ 15min

Mash at 65C for 90min

Mashout 75C for 15min

Boil for 90min

Fermentation: 26C rising to 29C over 1 week, leaving for 2 weeks to finish

Bulk Prime: 115g table sugar, 2.2vols.

Views: 319

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Aroma: Belgian esters coming through can’t put my finger on any specific smell but it smells like a Belgian beer, There is some slight malty notes as well.

Appearance: Deep golden colour with a good head.

Flavour: Complex malt flavours coming through, not overly bitter with a light-med sweet finish.Some alcohol coming through as the sweetness fades.

Mouth feel: Good carbonation medium creamy body.

Overall: Great beer. Very nice Dubbel !  I could not find any faults in it. 

Appearance: Nice bubbly head, great colour and clarity. Maybe a bit light in colour for style? 

Aroma: I got a little malt coming through with a lovely Belgian aromas of spices and cloves

Taste: Subtle Belgian characteristics. Slightly sweet. For style there probably needs to be a bit more of that maltyness coming through to add complexity. It also finnished a little thin for me, but if you get more of the aromatic malt into it i reckon that would sort out both bits. 

Overall: I still really enjoyed the beer. It is almost perfect, just needs that little bit more malt backbone and you'll be onto a winner. Good work

Poured a nice amber colour. Good clarity. Low head. With a swirl I get a head of large bubbles which drops away quickly.
Aroma of Belgian spice and works well with the malts.
I get a nice complexity with the malts. I get the raisiny fruit cake flavours. I wonder how much of that is from the raisins. Good level of bitterness. I get a touch of alcohol that lingers but isn't hot or harsh. Carbonation is med high and helps to give a spritzy med mouthfeel.
I've had this before and I think it has aged really well. The first time I had it(after doing that job) there was something a miss about it but I think it has gelled together really well.
Thanks for sharing.
Had this last night. Nice beer considering where the FG Ended. I've never had a beer with such a low FG. LOL
Aroma: Belgian spice banana and light mild saison type aroma.
Appearance clear Amber. Good carb no head to speak of.
Flavour: nice Belgian spice much like the nose little bit of malt to back it up. I get a solventy taste. Which is probably the low FG nice enough.
Mouthfeel: thin tasting due to such a low FG and suger additions. Sugar is normal for Belgian beers like this. Increase the body and it'll be a good beer.

Aroma: huge metallic aroma, lots of nailpolish too, strong plastic phenols coming through as it warms up.

Flavour: massive metallic note, very hard to drink. Metallic flavour is dropping off a little, getting a very astringent finish now that lingers quite a bit.

Appearance: golden amber, decent clarity, thin lasting head.

Overall: I found this undrinkable, maybe I just got a bad bottle and I'm quite sensitive to metallic flavours. Not sure what could have caused this but I'd try starting the ferment a bit cooler next time? Don't have much experience with belgians though. Looking at everyone else's comments I must have gotten a bad bottle :p.

Hi Dean.  really interested to try this as I tried a beer with M27 at the same time which also went nuts (see your Facebbok Other folder - keen to flick you some to grit your teeth and try....)

appearance - golden, clear, head almost not there

aroma - some spice, some ester, maybe a touch of phenol? (neophyte speaking)

taste - some spice. some acid kick/backbone. almost some orange. integrates.  my partner says honey/maple syrup then marmite which is an odd thought

mouthfeel - thin but nice. drinkable. probably too drinkable for ABV. carb is good and more than i expected without head (is this the very low FG?)

overall - enjoyable. I wondered maybe more strong saison rather than dubbel, but i seldom know what I am talking about

thank you


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