In march I brewed a Framboise using the Wyeast Belgian Lambic Blend (3278). I was expecting a somewhat sour beer with poor floccuation. However, I got a very clean tasting beer that finished clear, not what I was expecting. I recently brought another Wyeast Belgian Lambic Blend to do another Frambroise, but have a beer that is fermenting very slowly (dropped 10 pts over a week at 19 degrees), smells very yeasty and tastes acidic (sour). I have never had an infection in any beer yet, so I am wondering if this recent batch is more lambic-like (and the other wasn't) or if I have got an infection (although that doesn't explain the lack of yeast activity).
I haven't kept a record of the previous batch of yeast (nor this one, other than was manufactured July). I am on the verge of throwing this batch away, rather than waste $35 worth of raspberries on top of the cost of grain etc. If the brew sounds like a normal lambic I'll stick with it. Does anyone have any thoughts ? Cheers Gerry