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Hi All
(Hopefully I didn't miss a thread here, I searched first!)
Just wanted to see if anyone has rhizomes available this year? I hear there is a shortage, however if there are any suppliers anyone knows of I would be keen to given them a go!

Maybe we can get a list of suppliers going? I see in the old forum that Stephen @ Hallertau may have been one of them, any ideas?


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Brett. Your thirst for Danscade has now been quenched. I have some very healthy cuttings that I can trade for some Sticklebract.


How do you know for sure that your plant is indeed stickelbract though? I'm intreagued.

there is a nursery in nelson 


that sells sticklebract for 5.95 plus postage,they also have another variety called aurea but as far as i can tell its just ornamental.


has anyone brewed with sticlebract? what is it good for?

Sticlebract? Ornaments, soaps and tucking in your pillow to help you sleep 

I threatened to get Heather hop plants for Christmas so she could make a hop pillow.

The girls thought it was a sneaky plan for the brewing empire to extend out of the garage into the garden and whinged and whined heartily ...

"a sneaky plan for the brewing empire to extend out of the garage into the garden"

I love it!!!!

Yea, but they don't realise that I have no inclanation to grow hops - but it was worth the wind up

Awesome! Thanks Jo. I'll PM some details for when they are ready to send.


I got all my hops through trademe so I'm taking their word on it for all of them.

Jo, what would I need to do to secure myself one of your Danscade cuttings??


Unfortunately I suspect you have all the hop varieties I have, therefore can only trade beer.

Beer sounds like a pretty good deal to me!


We're away on holiday this week - so I'll sort it out next week.





Danscade, and another couple of named varieties now have 6 acres on the West Coast of the SI to grow wildly... gotta love parents retiring and going hippy. Their neighbours like the idea of setting up a small scale brewery next door, with some "consultancy".
Latest pic of Mystery german hops

Danscade harvest 150gm wet

How good do ya reckon this smells!


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