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For the first time ever, spending some hard earned on a few bottles of Emersons finest was a disappointing experience.

I had been invited to a new South African neighbours house to watch a rugby game last night, he knows I'm into my beer so I made a trip to the shore (Northcross Liqourland) to grab a few bottles of my favourite brewer's wonderful produce. Liqourland were woefully out of stock, I ended up with a 1812 IPA, a London Porter and an Old 95.

I told my neighbour I'd brought some beer for him to try, and poured a couple of glasses of the 1812. Poured cloudy. Not panicking yet I took a sip. Spritzy carbonation nearly forced it out my nose. It was like a soft drink only fizzier. I instructed my host to tip it out and did the same.

Next up, London Porter. Again the beer was too fizzy, I've had both of these are they rate among my favourites. The porter is usually silky smooth with a full body and mouthfeel. This time it was thin and fizzy, almost like coke.

The Old Ale remained. This one tasted like it should, but again was unbelievably fizzy, belgian-esque even.

I got little change from $20 for these 3 beers. My neighbour was underwhelmed to say the least (admittedly partly from my own reaction but I kept my cool so as not to overdo the situation). So I have a few questions.

1) Is there a way of mis-treating beer so that a consistently shitty condition can be obtained? Storing warm, shaken, light struck, something that would effect 3 totally different beers the same way?

2) Is it possible all 3 were infected with the same bug? Surely not.

3) Is there any recourse? Should I take this up with the brewer or with liqourland? I'm assuming someone from Emersons will read this eventually. I'd like to be recompensed, it is a true luxury for me to get $20 to spend on good beer, it's a disaster to have that beer not be all it's cracked up to be. And I'd like my neighbour to taste it as it's supposed to be rather than think I'm full of it.

Has anyone else experienced it this bad with Emersons? It's my go-to brewery for a quality drop, I've NEVER had a single bad bottle up to this point. I can't understand how all 3 could've been so terrible.

I'll say it before you do Luke, should've bought some Epic.

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Northcross Liquorland is probably my closest but I've generally found the range they stock to be appalling. Forest Hill Liquorland is miles better and worth the 10 minute drive down the road.

If I was a guessing man I'd go with wild yeast contamination at bottling time. It certainly sounds like some sort of bug has got into those bottles and chewed up all the remaining sugars (including those nice body-enhancing dextrins). to have 3 bottles of different beers zapped by the same bug sounds at the very least unfortunate.


I've heard of a couple of similar experiences - especially from some of the Australians (beer advocate forum and one of the aussie homebrewer sites). I haven't had one myself. I'd definitely let the brewery know, if I had an issue. Let them know that you won the SOBA homebrew comp Barry, so that they are aware you're not just some weirdo who was expecting an expensive Lion Brown clone.

90% of my Emerson's drinking these days is from tap (Bar Edward or Regional Wines). No problems there.

My only disappointing bottle was the last Old 95 I had - it looks like this beer has finally gone down the NZ malt line, and it was like a souped up 1812. I'm sure it'll come back in the right direction over time... Hell, it may even be an improvement for some people's tastes!
I have swarn myself off Emersons for the 4th and final time. I was a staunch advocate of their product buying it on a semi regular basis for the last 6+ years, but have now been burnt for the last time.

From my most recent purchase, 2 of the 3 bottles needed to be tipped down the sink. They were definitely infected with a wild yeast/bacteria that made the beer smell very musty & thin with excessive C02. A slow gushing at opening is also evident. I could not drink it and at $6+ per bottle, it is a little annoying to say the least.

Prior to this most recent purchase, I shelled out for an entire box (i.e. dozen) as a christmas treat. I drank one under much duress, tipped out the second, then returned the remainder for a refund from Liquorland Tauranga. They were much abliging and refunded me for the entire 12.

My take on the whole matter...

Storage by the wholesalers is definitely an important factor that can accelerate the problem (especially in summer with lack of cool-room space), however the underlying problem is still with the product. Quite frankly the quality control is piss poor. I have actually alerted Richard and the team on an earlier occasion re wild yeasts, offering to return a bottle for there analysis/learning, however I was essentially fobbed off.

From the batch number I supplied, they explained they tested some stock on hand which was fine and can only suggest that the outlet I purchased the product from had not kept it refrigurated.

I could wear that excuse if the product was just stale or a bit light struck. However, when it's tastes so funky you cannot drink it and it still has 10+ months to run on the "Best Before" date, you tend to believe there is a serious underlying issue with the product itself. I did actually plate it out myself, and can confirm there was plenty of wierd stuff growing with the main culprit appeared to be a wild yeast that was very white, not your usual beige colour.

I'm sorry Richard and the crew, but I won't drink another drop of your product unless I'm down in Duno's and having it FRESH off tap. That said, I'm still not exactly happy with the brewery line/attitude when I was actually trying to help.

On a positive note, had a great time in Auckland on business last week. I managed to pop over to the Cock n Bull in Newmarket for a few quites and a Meal. The hand-pulled Fuggles was fantastic, even though I used to prefer it despensed from keg at Regionals using C02. The Epic Pale Ale was outstanding and the Monks Habit was the perfect finisher.

Craig Fitzpatrick
Howdy Craig - you need to move back to Welly to get the good stuff! Hopefully we'll be organising another HomeBrewFest for BrewNZ this year, would be good to catch up.
Cheers, Rob.
Gidday Rob - your right. I do miss the Welly beer scene. I particularly miss the good old Unisys Friday tastings we had & Regional Wines monthly tastings and the Malt House & Bar Bodaga. Bugger it, I miss the whole lot really, bar the wind. Unfortunately work only seems to take me to Auckland on the odd ocassion.

I like what your doing with the SOBA National Homebrew Comp. Big thumbs up. I enjoyed the feedback last year so really must join and financially offer my support, even if I can't really attend much.

Are you still on the same cellphone number?

Cheers, Craig.
Yep. Glad to hear you got good feedback, I was at judging (not judging tho) for the first day and it was a tougher job than you would think. Not so many Friday tastings since kids, but did have an Equator keg day a few weeks ago that went down well. You brewing much?
BTW - nice car, I see you've upgraded from the escorts.
Don't be fooled by the photo. I did take the picture, but it ain't our car unfortunately. Was meant to be a temporary photo till I took one of myself more in fitting with this forum.

I was going to have a alcohol free night, but bugger it, I'll have to pour one of my Porters to complement the old swede.

Job and three kids is keeping me a bit busy so not brewing as frequent as I would like. Have been only getting through one 25kg sack of base malt per year. (i.e. one 35L brew every 2 months on average)

Still love brewing American Pale Ales. My key focus is elimination of Diacetyl at present so have moved away from wyeast 1968 which let me down last year in the comp.
You must have mega efficiency to get 6, 35 litre brews from one sack! or are they all ordinary bitters? I,d get 6 25 litre brews max!
Yeah, I'm speaking in very rough terms. I actually us about 6.5kg of base per brew with approx. 1.054 OG on average. So you could say only 4 brews per year or 1.5 bags per year. My efficiency is currently running at 84%, but have noticed it has consistently reduced a bit lately. I'm suspecting it is due to a bag change over with the base malt as I'm sure my process hasn't changed significantly.
Hey! good to see the photo. I've been pretty busy on the brewing front lately. I get up at 6.30am and have the kettle on the timer so it's all ready for the mash. I'm normally all finished by midday so not too bad a dad!

I've got a lager and a belgian Strong golden ready for kegging and I'm doing a pumpkin ale this weekend. Hopefully in good shape for the HomeBrewFest - assuming that goes ahead, there's a bit of debate on that at the moment. Any chance of getting down for BrewNZ this year?
Yep - good ol' 1968 is good for diacetyl alright.
Because it floc's so dam well it seems to drop out nice and early leaving the diacetyl. Other than use another yeast you might want to try keeping it on the yeast longer, rousing or pitching cold and rising (the Narziss theory to diacetyl precursors).


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