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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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So Barry, what did you enjoy, beerwise that is, in Welly ?
I hope all the Chch users are all safe and I hope Pom's hasnt fallen down anyone confirm?

Bloody hell, yea.

And their fermenters not toppled over either
Luke just heard from Poms - all OK, but no power so probably not opening. I texted Craig Bowen earlier, and he's OK, but there is "fucking chaos" in his words.
Just got power and internet back, it sounds really bad on the radio, however from what I have seen it's not a total disaster.... not as much as loosing a batch of beer to infection.... :)

SOME roads are buggered, SOME buildings are buggered, we have no water, power is back on for SOME of the city, and I have 80 litres of beer in the fridge... kids like beer don't they?

In all seriousness there are some houses / areas that are being evacuated and my thoughts go out to those worse off them my family. We will have not tap water for a couple of days by the sounds of it. Everyone is buying up the bottled water, batteries etc. Shook a lot of people up, excuse the pun.

A special thanks to Nick, Dale, Pete and Martin for the texts, it's awesome to know we have a great community!

*Edit: Seems we have a state of emergency down here, just saw the worst of the photos! Crap.
Wowzers!!! I bet there aint to many stuck ferments with all the rousing still taking place!! good to here everyone is ok, Heard from a family member down in Christchurch who house sounds like its a gonner!! bugger!!
Goodness; hope everyone is doing OK. Bloody scary stuff. Make me almost want to be sick. Fingers crossed for all you guys.
Power back on, yay! It seems most people are OK, it could have been much much worse if it didn't happen when it did, nobody in shops and offices so it seems so far only one really serious injury. You can fix the rest.(If you have friends with damaged property, tell them to call the EQC (may take a day or so to get through to them), take photos of the damage and start making lists. Protect from weather if safe to do so.)

Was quite scary for a while, sitting under doorways in the dark with the kids waiting for the sun to come up, but now it has, its a beautiful spring day and that is helping people's spirits enormously. Took the kids down to the park and you would hardly know anything was up. Would be a different story in other parts of town, though.

What to do now with the yeast starter I had ready for today's brew? Our planned Pom's trip this evening also off, glad to hear they are OK though. Neighbours planning a 'water conservation' exercise in my garage later today, so at least that will be a nice distraction.

Oh, chch people, we have water back on here in Cashmere, if yours is still out and you need some (even if it is not for brewing purposes ;-) )come and get it! 027 2272 068
You're a good man Mr T !
I have just finished delivering water to the neighbours (mostly elderly people) from the local school's artesian well. The local council politician organised to open the well to help out, good for the votes! :)
This sort of stuff is awsome!!!! Makes me want to go down and help!!
Cheer up Steph, Wellington's next.......then Auckland doh!


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