If you've ever fancied drinking a 55%abv beer out of a stuffed rodent (and let's face it, who among us hasn't), this could be your one and only chance... if you can even get hold of it. Looks like it's already sold out.
Funny you should bring this up however - I did by chance, have a stuffed rodent in the brewery the other day. As I was about to start mashing in my stout I noticed a rather strong smell. Following my nose, I discovered that the previous night's rain had caused a small puddle in the corner of the brewery - this is not uncommon, and is why I have the fridge/fermentation chamber there up on blocks. The combination of good clearance under the fridge and the presence of the water had allowed the very ripe corpse of a rat to float out from under/behind the fermentation chamber (where it must have perished a week or so before during a poisoning campaign) - and there it sat on the floor (well most of it), wriggling maggots and all.
Nice. Dead animal+warm space+moisture. After dealing with that, I did indeed fancy a 55% abv beer. (I'm happy to provide my own cover for the beer bottle, thank you very much.....)