3 days ago I started my third brew from a kit, Black Rocks Nut Brown Ale. Unfortunately it has yet to start fermenting :(
I thought I would try a couple of different things that I have heard rumors about and some ideas of my own.
Firstly I boiled the extract with some Brewcraft dextrose enhancer and a few litres of water.
I then added this to the fermenter and topped up, it was around 28C.
I also late hopped with a super alpha teabag for a bit more hoppiness.
I had saved some yeast from a previous brew and tried to start a culture with some of the wort in a sterile container for a couple of hours. Both the culture and the wort were 28C when I added the culture into the fermenter.
I put the lid and air lock on and left it for a few hours to see if it would start bubbling, alas, no fermentation had started so I pitched the yeast that came with the kit. (this may have been my downfall?)
The brew is currently on a heat pad in the garage and sitting around the mid 20s but it has failed to start fermenting :(
Any tips or advice would be appreciated, I don't want to have to throw out the lot, but if that is the only option I will, if on;y to get another brew on.