Tried the latest batch on handpull last night at work, much sweeter than the last batch. Maybe it's just because it was on handpull, but there was a definate difference.
whipped into the SOBA Matariki Festival for about 90min this afternoon... HUGELY impressed with how things were shaping up. I hope it continued how it started.
Townshend Dubloon and Kaimai Porter were probably the two picks of the few beers I tried. But all five were very good.
JT, Had my first taste of BKP2 today. I was going describe what I tasted until I glanced over the last couple of pages... So for the sake of sounding like a complete jerk and using words like "chocolate" and "hops", you and the Welly boys will have to wait. You definitely wouldn't want to hear me say "I'm happy with it" and "I'd happily drink more", that would just be arrogant of me.