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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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I've never done a munich/sauvin smash but I have done a Maris Otter/Sauvin smash with good results.

Munich/sauvin smash could be worth a go. If you're worried about it being too malty you could sub half of the munich with pale, especially if you're planning on a OG greater than 1.050.
I reckon it's a bloody good idea Martin. Sauvin is quite zesty and lemony - quite sharp on its own. Munich would be the ideal malt to "fill the void" as it were. You'd get pleany of melanoidin characters as well as sweet crusty bread.

I'd be interested in a taste of this beer once it's done.
i might give it a go next weekend then, i was thinking of mashing at 69 and adding hops at 1g per l at 60,15,5,0 and dryhop. what do you think? is that overkill on the hops at 10.6aa?
It depends on your starting gravity. If you're targeting 1.050ish then you'd be about right. 1.040ish might come out a bit bitter and 1.060 would come out a bit sweet.

No way is that overkill though.
i might go with this then-

Recipe Overview

Wort Volume Before Boil: 46.00 l Wort Volume After Boil: 40.00 l
Volume Transferred: 40.00 l Water Added To Fermenter: 0.00 l
Volume At Pitching: 40.00 l Volume Of Finished Beer: 39.00 l
Expected Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.047 SG Expected OG: 1.054 SG
Expected FG: 1.013 SG Apparent Attenuation: 74.9 %
Expected ABV: 5.4 % Expected ABW: 4.2 %
Expected IBU (using Tinseth): 50.0 IBU Expected Color (using Morey): 7.2 SRM
BU:GU ratio: 0.93 Approx Color:
Mash Efficiency: 80.0 %
Boil Duration: 60.0 mins
Fermentation Temperature: 18 degC

Ingredient Amount % MCU When
German Munich Malt 8.600 kg 100.0 % 9.9 In Mash/Steeped

Variety Alpha Amount IBU Form When
NZ Nelson Sauvin 10.6 % 40 g 27.7 Loose Pellet Hops 60 Min From End
NZ Nelson Sauvin 10.6 % 40 g 16.8 Loose Pellet Hops 20 Min From End
NZ Nelson Sauvin 10.6 % 40 g 5.5 Loose Pellet Hops 5 Min From End
NZ Nelson Sauvin 10.6 % 40 g 0.0 Loose Pellet Hops At turn off
NZ Nelson Sauvin 10.6 % 60 g 0.0 Loose Pellet Hops Dry-Hopped

DCL US-05 (formerly US-56) SafAle
Matthew did a Kolsch / Sauvin smash which was worth repeating - I reckon Munich would be a goer too

I think Stu hates being reminded about Litigation - Maris Otter & Sauvin smash - but it was a damned fine brew at the SOBA HB Awards a few years ago

If you're targeting 1.050ish then you'd be about right. 1.040ish might come out a bit bitter and 1.060 would come out a bit sweet.

Very true, but it also depends where your FG is going to be too

Go for it I say
do you have a rough rule of thumb for hopping rates? i'm assuming you would use the bu/gu ratio but how do you alter that depending on anticipated fg?
Your OG can be high, but your yeast may chomp thru your wort to give you a low FG - so you'd have a higher perceived bitternness.

Or it can eat less and finish higher and take the bite out of your bitterness

OG is a good starting point, but the FG finishes it off

There's so many variables - grain bill, mash temp, yeast ... more than I can cope with
yep, thanks for reminding me... hated that beer.
Anytime Stu, I'll diary the annual reminder now for next March ... how're those sunflowers ?
Yep, If I were to do it again I'd add a splash of munich just to beef up the malt a touch. Having said that though I've since tasted Thornbridge Kipling which i'm pretty sure was just maris otter and majority sauvin. It was tip top.
A question for all you Tripel brewers out there in beer land.

What's you favourite Tripel yeast?
I was thinking of using Wyeast Ardennes (3522) but Mike didn't think that was a good idea. Any thoughts?

I love Moa St Joseph and would love to brew something in that ballpark.


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