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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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Hmm possibly true, Ive just recently done a brew late hopped with NZ cascade and motueka and quite liked it so thought i'd try it again.
WBC Imperial Planning:

Had at lot of success with the dry stout at the last WBC and my adventure into dark beers is starting to take hold. I figured it will be a good learning curve if I can take that stout and imperialise it for the next WBC. Only additions to the last are the munich, dark caramel, pale choc and sugar. Upped the percentage of roast and flaked barley. Upped the IBU by about 10.

RIS Draft #1.

Something, Something, Something, Dark Beer

Kolsch 56.18 %
Munich Malt 5.62 %
Roasted Barley 11.24 %
Flaked Barley 11.24 %
Dark Caramel 3.37 %
Pale Chocolate 3.37 %
Flaked Wheat 3.37 %
Molasses or Muscovado Sugar 5.62 % (Should I add to boil or during fermentation and any preferences between the two?)

50.00 gm Nelson Sauvin @ 60 47.5 IBU
50.00 gm Nugget @ 60 50.1 IBU


OG: 1.083
FG: 1.024
97 IBU - Ratio 1.171
7.83% ABV
Thinking of doing an experimental 10L brew with my fresh sticklebract I have grown.
Anybody made a brew with fresh hops? I have read it is about 5x more than dry cones. But I have only ever used pellets . Ratios anyone?
I'm planning to brew an AIPA on Tuesday.
WY1056 starter is in the fridge to drop the yeast.

Haven't brewed an AIPA (or an IPA for that matter) previously. Thought I would take my last APA recipe, and scale it back from 23 to 18 litres, but leave the malt bill the same as for the bigger batch. I can't scale the malt bill up, as my 25 litre mashtun won't take much more than about 5.5 kg malts maximum. Also, my 30 litre fermenters are occupied, so I'll use a 25 litre one instead.
I've manipulated the hops from the original recipe to give it a bit more of a hop profile.

Any thoughts?

18 litres Anticipated OG 1.068 Mash at 65 to 66ºC Ferment at 18ºC for 3 weeks

4000.00 gm Pale Malt (2 Row) UK (5.9 EBC) Grain 82.30 %
500.00 gm Munich 2 (25.0 EBC) Grain 10.29 %
120.00 gm Crystal Dark (260.0 EBC) Grain 2.47 %
120.00 gm Crystal Malt - 60L (Thomas Fawcett) (118.2 EBC) Grain 2.47 %
120.00 gm Crystal Medium (145.0 EBC) Grain 2.47 %
20.00 gm Magnum [14.00 %] (60 min) Hops 32.0 IBU
25.00 gm Chinook [11.40 %] (Dry Hop 7 days) Hops -
20.00 gm Chinook [11.40 %] (60 min) (First Wort Hop) Hops 28.7 IBU
35.00 gm Cascade '07 [6.30 %] (10 min) Hops 9.1 IBU
35.00 gm Cascade '09 [7.40 %] (0 min) Hops -
1.00 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
12.00 gm Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Boil 60.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs WY1056 starter
If it were me, I'd probably change that 260EBC crystal for either more 60L Crystal (total of 240g) of maybe even something lighter. Technically the toasted buscit / toffee / raisiny flavours your can get from dark English malts aren't quite to style.

Depends on what you want in your IPA though. If you don't care about guidelines - go for it.
Would you guys put cocoa in the boil at >10min?
I've never brewed with cocoa but I've read that when adding cocoa that at should be added at 0min (flame out). When I brew with spices I always add them at 0min and I would treat cocoa the same.
was going to brew an english mild recipe i found on homebrewtalk but i did't have the right malts, so i threw this together-
4.6 kg gladfield ale
550g vienna
550g 30ebc caramalt
300g chocolate malt
500g plain barley cereal mashed

chose these as its all i got!

sat at 68c at the moment,
gervin ale yeast
35 litre post boil

i was thinking of throwing in 3 additions of fuggles, but i also have cascade and motueka hanging out in the freezer-any hop suggestions? stick with the fuggles? was going for an english style but i'm not to fussed as long as its good!
For a mild you'd get away with just the one bittering addition - it's not about the hops. Fuggles would be the traditional one though I reckon the cascade would give it a flavour lift
Last week in Sydney, I tried Mad Brewers Orchard Ale on tap. It was a very nice drop. I tasted Sauvin hops, apple, and possibly a couple spices.

I am thinking about trying to duplicate this, and am not sure where to go. Whilst I can certainly buy Sauvin hops, I am not sure how they got the apple flavor, or the other bits.

Does anyone have any advice on a recipe that would head into this direction?
Apple? Easy underpitch and ferment cold.
I thought apple was bad? Aldehyde or something...

Edit: There we go, see above... Trust a pro to know :P


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