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Ok, I'm going to do it, but maybe not quite yet. And there was talk about an Imperial Coopers. I know Mr Cherry's keen too, yes ?

I thought it might be handy to string this together in one place.

Now I'm not going to brew until the weather cools a bit, I'm getting 20C + in the garage right now and I wouldn't want to do that to my Coopers kit would I ?

First questions first though, Draught or Lager ?
Next up, what to add to it.
Not sugar, no. maybe dextrose, maybe LME, or maybe just a kg of pale mashed ?

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No wheat - lazy man
Full hour boil and it's a boil alright
Started with 11 litres, down to about 9 litres in the pot with 5 minutes to go.

About to get the can opener out - now it gets tricky !
Have you considered "sterilsing" with Sodium Met for a really authentic brew?
I'm rehydrating the yeast, one pack of 7gm only. It doesn't seem a lot and it's not a deep flavoursome bready aroma like you'd usually get with an 11gm SAF pack.

But if 7gm gave us the Coopers experience that we also found in the Pale Ale, then that's what I'm going for. (but if it all turns to custard I have an '05 in reserve)
Been adding some wort, at least the yeast is ok, small but vital signs of life
Those yeasties run out of steam yet?
Run outa steam ? They've only just started !

The yeast was working when I pitched it and there was positive pressure on the lid and airlock last night.
This morning it's just about up to throwing a bubble through the airlock and it's half covered the surface of the wort with krausen, thin at the edge, plump in the middle, a bit like a poached egg.

It was at 19C so I'm not displeased with that, but expect that it will rise 1 or 2 when it gets going.

From memory it can get away like a rocket
Nice. I didn't want your coopers yeast to be all show and no go... :D
Nice one jt. 19c rising to 21c over three days sounds spot on.

From memory it can get away like a rocket
Yeah, I have similar memories. Could have been due to all the simple sugars though.
I wonder if this yeast likes eating grainey goodness Mr Cherry - might be bred to chomp on table sugar ?

I'll offer the yeast here first - but watch trademe in a few weeks too
19c rising to 21c over three days

20 this evening and there's a ring round the top of the fermenter like it had it's customary blast of activity - nice even krausen, but not nice & dense, quite openly foamy, more bubbley

Picked up a Coopers pale ale yesterday afternoon, just to sample what could be in store - or at least the intentions ....
Those yeasties run out of steam yet?
Sounds like you have an interest in the Coopers yeast Matthew. Maybe jt could sell you some of his yeast cake ;-)
Only in comparison to the performance of my Muntons yeast! My kit might have to wait a bit, looks like the pears on the tree are nearly ready for some cider action. Just have to work out how to press them. But that's a for another thread...


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