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Ok, I'm going to do it, but maybe not quite yet. And there was talk about an Imperial Coopers. I know Mr Cherry's keen too, yes ?

I thought it might be handy to string this together in one place.

Now I'm not going to brew until the weather cools a bit, I'm getting 20C + in the garage right now and I wouldn't want to do that to my Coopers kit would I ?

First questions first though, Draught or Lager ?
Next up, what to add to it.
Not sugar, no. maybe dextrose, maybe LME, or maybe just a kg of pale mashed ?

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Awesome jt!!! Good on ya mate!!! Your only 23L of water and three weeks away from from some great memories.

The only problem I can see is that you may not have enough sugar there.

Did you get the Draught kit too?
I think the best by date is 11/11 so it's likely quite fresh.

Ripped the top off the can and put the Magical Golden Sachet (MGS) containing 7gm of Granulated Goodness Powder (GGP) straight into the fridge to preserve it's special powers

The sachet has a lucky number printed on the back - I can't reveal it yet otherwise I might jepodise my brew, but I think it's a good omen - which I have to recite whilst mixing the can with sugar and boiling water oops, brewing

I was having severe second thoughts about this, but I think I'm all go for the first Sunday morning after the last full moon

Draught ? No, just the lager, I think that's all I will cope with for now and the 7gm of GGP will chew this baby up no trouble
My can is Best Before 11/11 also. Although... It is a Coopers product so maybe it really means Best After.

Not sure when I'll get to brew mine. A few things on at the mo. and the temps are still too high for my liking also. I'd hate for this beer to be crap simply because the fermentation temp was too high ;-)
Not sure when I'll get to brew mine. A few things on at the mo. and the temps are still too high for my liking also. I'd hate for this beer to be crap simply because the fermentation temp was too high ;-)

My thoughts exactly - but it's now or never. If I don't do it now, it just won't happen.
The Coopers kits haven't changed much in 22 years. I brewed this one in 1988!!!

That's a printed can Mr Cherry, with the resealable lid, very usefull for all sorts of things.
nowadays it's a paper label and a security lid (to stop the yeast being stolen I'd guess !)

Did they change the volume of the can at one stage ?
I'm a closet coin collector and that Coopers Draught can is my coin repository.

Did they change the volume of the can at one stage ?
For some reason I thought it was 1.5 at some point but can't be sure.
For some reason I thought it was 1.5 at some point but can't be sure

Yea, I thought so too, or 1.6 ?

I do remember it changing and thinking "now that's even better value"

OK, she's all go, just got this mash together. I haven't done this for a few years, the no sparge partial mash technique from bluemountainbrewing. 2kg Malturop in 14 litres liquor.
Bugger, recirculated the whole lot, then some more and it was beauty clear, but stuck when I ran off.
Blew back up the spout & let 'er rest 10 minutes then recirculated a few more.
Not as good as I'd hoped, but I'm sure it'll only add to the character

* edit - and 11 litres in the pot
Man, boiling without hops is wierd.
Mash temp looks good jt. Any wheat in there and how long are you boiling for?


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