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found mouse shit in some of my grain,didn't touch the 1/4 sack of pilsner or the 500g of this and that, it had to choose the most expensive and had a bit of a party in my 3/4 full sack of munich!!

i didn't find it otherwise i would have nailed it to the garage door

i emptied out a couple of kg's of the munich and it seemed to be clean,looked like a surface party,question is do i use the rest or bin it? what would you do?

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I'd brew a Traditional Bock for the case swap ;-)

Seriously though, remove the dropping and forget about it. By the time it's boiled there'll be no nasties left. Maybe just some head retention issues if it was oily, greasy shit. lol :-)
I find wild mouse shit adds a complexity of flavour that is hard to replicate by any other means, rat shit is too over-bearing and rabbit shit comes out a bit thin and lifeless, count yourself lucky I reckon and roll with it.

The boil will kill anything nasty
sounds like a shit of a brew. I heard of a brewer that inadvertently threw a mouse into the mash tun with the grain. He put his dog in there to get it, pulled the dog out and carried on brewing. I think the brewing process will get rid of any gooblies, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Maybe you should call this one 'mouse poo brew'?
Relax and have a homebrew.
cheers fellas, has put my mind at rest a bit,i will try and think of an amusing name for the next beer!
As long as they've not pissed in it ....

I have a family of rats in the walls and the buggers made a right mess of my organic wheat. Fortunately it acted as a sacrifical lamb and took one for the team as the 30 other kgs of grain where untouched. I have the lot in steel and heavy-duty plastic containers now.
No evidence of mice inside, but something's having a bonanza in the compost bin after the mash.
It's all stirred up and getting chucked out between the boards

Anyone got some night vision goggles ... I may set up watch from the potato patch
I can lay my hands on a snipers rifle with night vision if that helps ... would probibly kill the compost heap at the same time though ...
Lead poisoned compost heap ...
got the bastard!

bought storage bins from the warehouse, put all grain in them,stacked them and placed my 1 kg bags of various on top of them,came home from work and there he is again,having a party in a 1kg bag of crystal on top of all my boxes, god knows how he got up there, anyway, he's paid the ultimate price, cost me the bag of grain though, unless i want mouse brains in my next brew!


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