I've been putting together a brew kit, and I just finished the mash tun. However, I've joined to parts together (for the meantime) with PVC electrical tape.
I was wondering anybody would know - will this impart a nasty flavour to my beer?
Is there anything else that we should avoid making contact with the beer? Vinyl tube, etc?
Vinyl tube is fine below 80C, some people use it above that but I wouldn't - I don't know about the health side of things but it can leech plastic flavours. Above 80C I would recommend silicone, expensive but will last a while if you look after it.
PVC is vinyl. So the actual tape itself should be fine. The adhesive? No idea. Personally I wouldn't use it. Also what is it holding together? I'd be worried that the heat of a mash could soften the adhesive and come apart.\
Depends on the purpose for what shouldn't come in contact with beer. Really the only metals that should are brass, copper, stainless and ali. Most plastics are fine but depends on purpose, cold side some will be too O2 permeable, hot side some will melt/soften and impart flavours.
The main problem with PVC is the leeching of a chemical called BisPhenol A which is a component of plasticisers added to the PVC to make it flexible. A classic example of this leeching is vinyl car seats that become brittle and crack due to sun exposure over time. There are now numerous studies linking BPA with health concerns....
Back to the topic.... Peicing together a mash tun with PVC tape is in my opinion, just asking for a big sticky mess all over your floor
This is for the braided hose setup on the bottom of my mash tun. I had to cut one of the fittings off one end of the braided hose to remove the rubber lining, and then I was left with the challenge of fitting the cut end back onto the brass T fitting. I'll try and post a photo or two soon, when I have access to them.
I'm not sure what PBW stands for, but I've deduced that it (and Starsan) are sanitisers? Like I said, it's for my mash tun, so heavy duty sanitising isn't necessary. Just a quick scrub should do the trick.
I was thinking of setting up something with a stainless steel hose clip, but it's harder than I thought to expand the diameter of braided hose.. Especially with my limited tool box.
PBW is powdered brewery wash - basically just sodium percarbonate ie napisan and similar.
Post pictures if you can bro, we should be able to lend some advice.
I've used stainless hose clamps in my set up. Be sure to give them a good soak in hot detergent and then some degreaser before using them. Mine were covered in some sort of machining oil or something.
You may also be able to get some copper reducers that will fit the T if you're having trouble stretching the braid.
For where the braid meets the T - get a small piece of copper pipe that will fit your crox nut and crox the end of it, work the braid over the uncroxed end of the pipe and secure with a hose clamp.
What's the thread/fitting on the side of the T that meets the bulkhead?