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Hi All
(Hopefully I didn't miss a thread here, I searched first!)
Just wanted to see if anyone has rhizomes available this year? I hear there is a shortage, however if there are any suppliers anyone knows of I would be keen to given them a go!

Maybe we can get a list of suppliers going? I see in the old forum that Stephen @ Hallertau may have been one of them, any ideas?


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How high have the got up?

Mine run up to the eve of the house - about 1.5 storeys, and once they run out of room to go upwards they tend to start growing outwards.

I have notice that my Danscade are slowing growing than the smoothcone, so may just take a while for them to catch up.
I have run two main binds (which are sprouting more) one about 3 metres vertical, then horizontal about 1.5 ~ 2 metres at the top, the other about 1.5 metres vertical and 3 metres horizontal.

I've got three main smoothcone shoots. Two have gone up the pagoda then I split them, one around the front and the other around the back. Third shoot is the bigger diagonal one from the bottom. I've just strung up some of the horizontals yesterday (about 4 of them - a little hard to see in the pic)

Yup, Danscade should be open source, same with Smoothcone I reckon.

Accepting postage money or a few homebrews in exchange is fine I reckon. But selling them when you got them for free is a bit rough.
Who was selling them?
Good call Glen. I would hope none of us here are those selling them?

Mine (thanks to Toast), was slow starter, so I don't think I'll get anything off it this season, but next year, I would expect bigger things and be looking to share the love..

Onwards and upwards
My Smoothcone and Sticklebract are doing well in fact they are trying to take over some prime vege garden real estate, they can be abit unruly. I may have to designate a seperate area for them next season and build them there own support as I just have them growing up and along my vege garden fencing at the moment.

Heres my mystery german going hard again and also some barley
Wow. Props for growing the barley - you must be the only (or one of the few) HBers homegrowing barley.

How much do expect to harvest? Looks like enough for at least a batch?
I planted 1kg of barley seed and so far F all has popped up (considering)so maybe I will have good seed for next year and a little roast barley to play with?
Quite like your set up here chris, thinking of something similar where the posts and lines can be dismantled for the off season to appease the Mrs when she says "will it look ugly"
Like the veg garden too !


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