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Hi All
(Hopefully I didn't miss a thread here, I searched first!)
Just wanted to see if anyone has rhizomes available this year? I hear there is a shortage, however if there are any suppliers anyone knows of I would be keen to given them a go!

Maybe we can get a list of suppliers going? I see in the old forum that Stephen @ Hallertau may have been one of them, any ideas?


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East Coast North Island - very different to East Coast South Island huh ?
Yep they've been enjoying the gizzy sun.
Have you every caught up with any of the Hawkes Bay brewers ?
They're not over-active on here, but they are about
No I havn't, maybe an east coast brewers conference could be in order
The EBC !

I am trying to find a source of cascade rhizomes so that I can grow a plant for brewing with. Does anyone know where I can get some from?

Hi Tim
probably not the best time to transplant hops at the moment as it is in the middle of the growing season, unless someone has a potted one ready to go in the ground.But when they die down for the winter there should be more available.
Good luck
As Ron said, wrong time of the year for rhizomes. Maybe join the Wellington scene and get to know some of the brewers up there that are growing it. They may be willing to share that way.

I'm not sure about anyone else on there however if any cascade rhizomes show up on trademe they will be Danscades and those selling them should be giving a good kicking as they should have gotten them for free to begin with (excluding postage or beers!!!!).

In my mind Danscade (the only cascade available privately) is "open source", thus I sent a few plants around early in the season.
Hey James,
That little Danscade you gave me has recovered well from it's slow start but is rapidly catching up to the smoothcone.
Problem is I have run outta height for them to grow upwards and the buggers don't like sideways.
Looking forward to nextweekend see you then.
HI Ron, I have the same issue with height. I am training my Danscade along two horizontals now, and it's a painstaking job some days. I should have sorted myself out sooner this year and set up like Toots. Oh well at least I have all the wired etc to do it for next year!
the buggers don't like sideways.

Could be like apple trees, branches stop growing when you train them horizontal, I think it's the sap flow ?
That makes sense as mine is not growing as quickly as it did last year. Oh well lessons learned and hopefully one huge rhizome out of it!


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