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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Haha that sounds like it came from a pro-wine website :-P
Brett = possum fur to me
Porter Noir has sparked a brett interest for me. I had recently purchased anew fermenter with the intention of brewing with brett.

Any suggestions for a good starting beer with brett?

I love that beer.
I haven't seen it for a while. My new years resolution to drown myself in it this summer is falling by the way. The most thirst quenching beer...ever!
I've got a Rodenbach tallie in my cellar that I purchased a couple of years ago. I think it is 2003 so it's about 7 years old now... just waiting for the right occasion, or visitor.

Mike's Brett Barleywine is sitting next to it.
Hmmm, I feel a trip to Regional's coming on...
Don't get my wrong, Rodenbach is second on my best of list, but there's heaps of funk going on in there besides brett.

I'm no expert on Belgians, but I'd say Orval is a good start. Fermented with Sacc then aged in the bottle with brett.
Thanks denim, I'll add that to the list. I tried to get Orval last time I went to Regional's but they were all out.
Your more likely to get an Orval at the moment then Rodenbach which sees to be unavailable. Orval is also a classic.
Without wanting to sound like a stuck record:



No issues with stock on either product.

Andrew you should brew a 100% Brett Blonde, I so Want to brew a Blue Eyed Bretted Blonde™ (Blue= Blueberrys)


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