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I think that answers my "What base malt shall I buy next?" question. Would have been seriously tempted with the Kolsch, but Maris is not such a bad fallback.
more fermentables weight for weight than what you do with a lot of the other stuff.
Denimglen might be right then, I used "Two Row (UK)" as the base malt for the calculation in my brewing software. I guess I'll never know whether I should add a new base malt entry for Global Cologne with a higher extract potential that MO or whether there were other factors at play, mash out, sparge speed/temp, etc.

I think I'll just note it down for now and accept that I get a 5% higher efficiency from Global Cologne the same way I get a 5% lower efficiency from wheat.

Make the most of it though - there's no more Colonge malt in the country until March
Yeah I remember you mentioned that when I ordered it. That's why I opted for a full base malt replacement rather than just subbing in a kilo or two. I wanted to get a good understanding of it straight off without another base malt confusing me.

Cheers Lads
My Pale Ale for today is

40% Pils (Last of Sack)
51% Kolsch
9% Caramalt

68 mash

7 Ibus of Columbus @ 60
10 Ibus of Columbus @ 20

15g each Simcoe and Centenial @ 15

15g each Simcoe Amarillo @ 10, 5

20g each Simcoe Amarillo and Centenial and 10g Columbus @ 0

1.055-1.013, 5.5%
45 Ibus
S05 @ 18
75 Calcium, 150 Sulphate, 50 Chloride.
Mashing in now...

5 kg Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner Malt
23 gm Baird's Medium Crystal 150 ebc
500 gm Thomas Fawcett Oat Malt
.5 kg Belgian Candi Sugar (adding after 3 days or so)

60 Min 20gm NZ Saaz
30 Min 10gm NZ Saaz
15 Min 20gm Fuggles
0 Min 10gm Fuggles

This will be my first time making candi sugar as well. Hopefully this beer comes out ok.
edit...I used Willamatte instead of fuggles. My fuggles did not smell right to me.
gotta love willamette, they're like fuggles on steroids
About to mash in on the last brew of 2009, hence:

Fin du Siecle saison

4.76kg Pilsner
0.34 kg Munich
0.34kg Wheat
0.06kg CaraMunich II
0.45kg Dextrose

Mashed at 64 C

45g Pacifica @ 60 mins
30g Pacifica @ 0 mins

Wyeast 3711PC French Saison, big starter built up.

Aiming for 1.062 and 28 IBUs
Love that yeast, you'll get that down to 1.006 without even trying. It has a nice profile to, still the Belgian funk but without scaring the horses.
Yeah, the first ever Saison I brewed was with this yeast and it was awesome. Then I tried one with 3724 and it was a nightmare. So I've returned to what I know works. I'm planning to harvest the yeast after this batch and do a lower-strength saison and a biere du garde (don't worry Tyler, they're be plenty of yeast for you!).
Boil finished and resting now before transferring to the fermenter (no-chilling on this one). All went very smoothly. I even managed to fine & keg 2 beers, clean out another empty keg, wash up 2 fermenters and tidy the brew shed while brew was in progress.

The re-brew of Tasty's APA that I kegged is tasting awesome. The Amarillo that I added to the dry hop is really showing through. Force-carbing this puppy to have it ready for NYE. The Mild can wait until there's fridge space. Woohoo! At last I have more full kegs than I have fridge-room. It's only taken me 2 months of frantic brewing!
This is now sat at 28 degrees in the conservatory and bubbling like crazy. I kept it down at 19 degrees for the first 3 or 4 days and it still took off like a volcano, blew right through the airlock. After 4 days it was down to 1.020 and tasting very saison-like so now I've gradually upped the temperature and it's still rocketing along.

Man I love 3711!
Holy hell! I just checked this (it has been sat in the conservatory at 28 degrees for about 5 days now) and it's down to 1.006 and STILL FERMENTING!!! I thinkl the yeast are going to start metabolising the fermenter soon. Tastes good though. I might give it to the weekend then crash it anyway.

Also milled for a Belgian Pale Ale that I will be brewing tomorrow. Thanks for the loan of the mill Tyler.


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