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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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I can not stop drinking the latest batch of Croucher Pilsner...It is absolutely stunning.
Seconded. I was with Paul in the brewery when you rang to tell him so yesterday Ian! :) Beer Wanker indeed! ;)
Had a Pelican Brewery Saison yesterday...delicious, slightly spicy. I really love that beer. Only 30 IBU, which is unlike me but, more people should be making a Saison.
Hallertau in February is the place for you then Steph. The Feb. WBC is Saison.
Yup, seconded on two counts. The Pelican Saison is AWESOME, and Hallertau is the place to be at the end of Feb for some Saison-infused combat. I think I am actually between visitors at that point so if you needed somewhere to stay...
Dont forget that the Hallertau Saison will be on tap at that time too... I love this beer: all naturally acidified mash, 100% Green hopped with the locally grown hops.

It's worth the road trip on its own!

But the WBC will be KICK ARSE too!!!!
@ Hashigo Zake - last drinks there before xmas, possibly this year.

Townshend Weston's Best (though I'm going to call it Best Weston from now on): Stunning balance! Anyone got a spare knighthood to bestow on that little bastard from Moutere? He's got his game on at the moment.

Renaissance Perfection: Very nice, I'd have to say it's probably favourite all-year-round NZ Pale. It's got esters, which really is a nice change, and it has the malt to carry the big hop character. There's just a little work to be done on hiding that husky NZ malt character...

The NZ Natural Brewing Co Dortmunder, that I raved about the other day, and Nerdherder 'B' are about to go on. Good times.

Will pop into Bar Edward this afternoon and Malthouse tomorrow for my last drinks there... Any recommendations on what's good and currently pouring?
only to say beervana vollies are having a drink in the morrow and willbring your cd
nana and pop are coming for xmas eve dinner, as it's their year to miss xmas day, so I'll have to take a raincheck... i'll be in touch though
I'd posted a comment here about a particular NZ craft beer I've just had to drain pour. In case anyone saw the original before I removed it, please don't comment. I decided it was unfair to post here before talking directly to the brewery. My criticism was not intended as insulting, but my description of the beer was particularly unflattering, so apologies if I've offended anyone before I removed it.
The summary shows on the fron tpage in latest posts - post lots to bump it off or maybe talk to Luke ?
Sigh. I hate Ning. Thanks jt.


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